
2021年5月30日 星期日

快逃命!美專家:美股6週內將閃電崩盤 最終跌幅恐達80%


快逃命!美專家:美股6週內將閃電崩盤 最終跌幅恐達80%

2021/05/30 16:33   自由時報

美國知名經濟學者、財經暢銷書作家、鄧特公司(HS Dent)創辦人鄧特(Harry Dent)近期警告,美股將在未來6週內「以閃電般的速度」崩盤,最終跌幅恐達到65%到80%。(圖擷自Youtube)

〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕美國知名經濟學者、財經暢銷書作家、鄧特公司(HS Dent)創辦人鄧特(Harry Dent)今年3月時警告,美國經濟即將陷入地獄,1場巨大的崩潰即將到來,最慢在今年6月底前,美股將上演「史上最慘烈的崩盤」。鄧特近期再發警告,美股將在未來6週內「以閃電般的速度」崩盤,最終跌幅恐達到65%到80%。

美國財經專欄作家賈菲(Chuck Jaffe)29日在美媒《西雅圖時報》撰文,整理了鄧特最近接受他的節目「賈菲的金錢生活」(Money Life with Chuck Jaffe)專訪時的談話內容。鄧特警告,美股將以閃電般的速度崩盤,而且可能在未來6週內發生。






2021年5月26日 星期三

酒店媽媽桑傳授「小三心法」 一招讓謝震武也讚嘆


酒店媽媽桑傳授「小三心法」 一招讓謝震武也讚嘆

2021/05/27 08:10






☆自由時報電子報提醒您,未成年請勿飲酒 酒後請勿開車☆


2021年5月23日 星期日



2021/05/24 08:00  自由時報

RIA Advisors首席投資策略師羅伯茲(Lance Roberts)近日警告,美國聯準會的下次升息將戳破美股泡沫,標普500指數將暴跌40%到60%。(法新社)

〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕管理著逾8億美元資產的RIA Advisors首席投資策略師羅伯茲(Lance Roberts)近日警告,5大指標表明,美股正處於終將破裂的泡沫之中,他「百分之百保證」,美國聯準會的下次升息將戳破泡沫,標普500指數將雪崩40%到60%。






2021年5月22日 星期六

新北市鶯歌區UBIKE 微笑單車位置

 新北市鶯歌區UBIKE  微笑單車位置

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鶯歌國中 鶯歌區 建國路420號對面人行道(鄰近新太源藝術工坊)

鶯歌火車站(仁愛路) 鶯歌區 仁愛路55號對側人行道(鄰近鶯歌車站/宏德宮(孫臏廟))

建國育英路口 鶯歌區 鶯歌區建國路/育英街口機車停車場內(鄰近許新旺陶瓷紀念博物館/鶯歌光點美學館)

鶯歌陶瓷老街 鶯歌區 鶯歌區尖山埔路/國慶街(停車場內)(鄰近鶯歌陶瓷老街(鶯歌老街)/鶯歌光點美學館)

新北市立鶯歌陶瓷博物館 鶯歌區 鶯歌區文化路407號(鄰近鶯歌陶瓷博物館)

尖山公園 鶯歌區 鶯歌區尖山路161號對面

新北市立圖書館鶯歌分館 鶯歌區 中山路150號(圖書館內停車場)

新北市立鶯歌高級工商職業學校 鶯歌區 中正三路235~237號(對面人行道)(鄰近亞洛美精靈國度)

永昌里兒一公園 鶯歌區 鶯桃路182巷96弄36-38號對側

尖山國中 鶯歌區 鶯歌區國中街1號(人行道)

永吉國小 鶯歌區 鶯歌區德昌二街39號(對面人行道)

鳳祥公園 鶯歌區 鶯桃路413巷65弄4號(對面)

鳳鳴國小 鶯歌區 永和街120號(校門前)

國際二國際一路口 鶯歌區 國際二路/國際一路口

南雅育智路口 鶯歌區 南雅路491號(對面)

鶯歌國民運動中心 鶯歌區 館前路250號(前)

國中二甲路口 鶯歌區 國中街175號(前)

鳳福公園 鶯歌區 鳳吉一街186號(對面)

新北市蘆洲區UBIKE 微笑單車位置

 新北市蘆洲區UBIKE  微笑單車位置

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仁愛廣場 蘆洲區 民權路139號旁

重陽公園 蘆洲區 集賢路221巷重陽活動中心(鄰近蘆洲兒童親子分館)

捷運三民高中站(1號出口) 蘆洲區 三民路105號(鄰近湧蓮寺/紫禁城博物館)

中原公園 蘆洲區 長興路22號前通道

捷運徐匯中學站(1號出口) 蘆洲區 中山一路3號(捷運徐匯中學站1號出口旁)

蘆洲國民運動中心 蘆洲區 長興路237巷/長興路

永平公園 蘆洲區 永樂街38巷42弄公園人行道(永平市場南側)

永康公園 蘆洲區 長安街297號(對面)

捷運蘆洲站 蘆洲區 三民路/中正路口

柳堤公園 蘆洲區 長樂路125號對面公園通道

蘆洲三民公園 蘆洲區 三民路615號對面人行道(鄰近大台北都會公園)

水河里活動中心 蘆洲區 民族路408巷/復興路323巷

三民中山一路口 蘆洲區 三民路8號前(鄰近紫禁城博物館)

溪墘公園 蘆洲區 信義路73巷2號對面公園人行道

鴨母港抽水站 蘆洲區 永安南路二段334號(對面人行道)

永安圖書館 蘆洲區 永安南路二段150號(對側人行道)

鷺江廣場 蘆洲區 信義路319巷22號(旁邊機車格前)

永安兒童公園 蘆洲區 永安北路2段/永安北路2段35巷

蘆洲延平派出所 蘆洲區 蘆洲區長安街102巷5弄12號(對面)

永安南路九芎街71巷口 蘆洲區 蘆洲區永安南路/九芎街71巷口(對面人行道)

蘆洲重陽大樓 蘆洲區 重陽二街22號(對面人行道)(鄰近蘆洲兒童親子分館)

三民高中(民權路) 蘆洲區 民權路100號(對面人行道)

蘆洲李宅古蹟 蘆洲區 中正路185巷68弄9號(對面人行道)(鄰近蘆洲李宅(李友邦將軍紀念館))

蘆洲中路公園 蘆洲區 光華路87巷7號(右側)

彩虹兒童公園 蘆洲區 光榮路120巷8弄21號(對面)

仁愛街70巷口 蘆洲區 仁愛街95號(對面)

林建生紀念圖書館 蘆洲區 三民路178號(前)

新北市樹林區UBIKE 微笑單車位置

 新北市樹林區UBIKE  微笑單車位置

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樹林火車站(後站) 樹林區 後站街6巷11號對面

文林國小 樹林區 千歲街59號

光華公園 樹林區 保安街2段259號對面(鄰近樹林興仁花園夜市)

樹林大安活動中心 樹林區 備前街/復興路372巷口

樹林區衛生所 樹林區 新北市樹林區中山路二段80-1號對面機車停車格

育德國小 樹林區 育德街13號對面人行道

彭福國小 樹林區 國凱街130號對面

億光電子(樹林高中) 樹林區 中華路 / 樹中二街口(學校側門對面人行道)

長壽親子公園 樹林區 樹德街35號對面(公園內縮空間)

大同國小 樹林區 東榮街91巷(市場旁人行道)

南樹林火車站 樹林區 中山路二段東興路口(火車站右側人行道)

柑園五里聯合活動中心 樹林區 佳園路三段128號(活動中心左側人行道)

俊英俊保路口 樹林區 俊英街俊保路口(西北側人行道)

學成大義路口 樹林區 學成路大義路口(西北側人行道)

三多國小 樹林區 三福街83-89號(對面人行道)

樹林國民運動中心 樹林區 樹林區中正路188-6號

三多第1市民活動中心 樹林區 樹林區福興街17號(活動中心前機車格)

民生親子公園 樹林區 新北市樹林區保安街一段/保安街一段14巷

樹林工業區 樹林區 樹林區保安街二段6號(前面廣場)(鄰近樹林興仁花園夜市)

樹林國小 樹林區 樹林區啟智街/文化街口(啟智街129號)

大安路與中山路二段口 樹林區 樹林區大安路622號(前人行道)

樹林區公所 樹林區 樹林區博愛街198-1~198-5號(對面人行道)

大安路307巷口 樹林區 樹林區大安路307巷口

味王街 樹林區 味王街3號(馬路側)

文林國小(潭興街) 樹林區 潭興街65號(對面汽車停車格)

東陽市民活動中心 樹林區 鎮前街467號(活動中心路側)

樹林大安站 樹林區 大安路118號(外側)

森林公園 樹林區 學勤路382號(對面)

學成大成路口 樹林區 學成路712號(旁)

山佳火車站 樹林區 中山路三段108號

中山新興街口 樹林區 中山路三段/新興街口(西北側人行道)

全球傳動科技公司 樹林區 三多路123號(前)

樹林藝文綜合行政大樓 樹林區 保順街139號(對面)

俊興三龍街口 樹林區 俊興街280號(對面)

中山八德街口 樹林區 中山路二段10號對面人行道

四維國凱街口(立天下社區) 樹林區 四維路121號(旁)

新北市新莊區UBIKE 微笑單車位置

 新北市新莊區UBIKE  微笑單車位置

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後港公園 新莊區 建安街/建安街57巷

福營行政中心 新莊區 四維路17號-20號

西盛公園 新莊區 新莊區西盛街/西盛街201巷

捷運新莊站(1號出口) 新莊區 中正路/中華路一段(鄰近新莊廟街)

丹鳳派出所 新莊區 雙鳳路77巷丹鳳派出所前

新莊棒球場 新莊區 和興街75號/復興路一段23號(鄰近新莊綜合運動場)

新莊文化藝術中心 新莊區 中平路133號前(鄰近新莊文化藝術中心)

中華中原路口 新莊區 中原路/中華路二段

福壽公園 新莊區 福壽街130號至140號(對面福壽公園)

捷運丹鳳站(1號出口) 新莊區 中正路/民安路

中港國小 新莊區 中和街70號對面

黃城公園 新莊區 中信街74號旁

四維公園 新莊區 四維路181號對面(四維活動中心出口前)

頭前運動公園 新莊區 頭成街165號對面人行道

頭前國中 新莊區 中原路3至9號對面人行道

中華里(中華路二段) 新莊區 中華路2段31號對面

中華自治街口 新莊區 中華路2段/自治街口人行道(中港大排東側)

新泰公園 新莊區 建中街116巷/建中街116巷3弄

臺北醫院 新莊區 思源路131號至137號前人行道

思賢國小 新莊區 福樂街66號對面

豐年國小 新莊區 瓊泰路161號對面人行道

光華東帝士 新莊區 民安西路370號至376號前

新樹公園 新莊區 新樹路627號對面

建福公園 新莊區 建福路/建福路49巷

興化公園 新莊區 五工二路/五工三路50巷

西盛館 新莊區 新樹路499號前人行道(西盛館)

捷運迴龍站(3號出口) 新莊區 中正路/中正路746巷

立泰里(中環路二段) 新莊區 新莊區中環路二段423號(對面橋下)(鄰近新莊文化藝術中心)

新月橋 新莊區 瓊林路1號旁(碧江公園旁)(鄰近新月橋/新莊廟街)

西盛廣場 新莊區 樹新路251號對面(西盛廣場人行道)

中正富國路口 新莊區 中正路879之16號門口(中國信託前的公車站旁)

行政院新莊聯合辦公大樓 新莊區 中平路/榮華路2段

捷運新莊站 ( 2號出口 ) 新莊區 新莊路214巷(捷運新莊站2號出口旁邊)

捷運頭前庄站(1號出口) 新莊區 中正路/思源路(東北側)(捷運頭前庄站1號出口旁廣場)

新莊體育館 新莊區 中華路一段136巷對面

捷運輔大站(4號出口) 新莊區 新莊區 中正路510之1號(鄰近輔仁大學)

民安東民全街口 新莊區 新莊區民安東路48號前人行道

龍鳳公園 新莊區 新莊區龍安路72號對面(公園人行道)

伊吉邦社區 新莊區 新莊區新北大道7段312號(人行道)

福基公園 新莊區 福美街128巷12號

昌隆國小 新莊區 昌平街/昌平街31巷(對面昌隆國小人行道)

捷運新莊副都心站 新莊區 新莊區新北大道四段/中信街口(捷運副都心站2號出口)

捷運新北產業園區站 新莊區 新莊區五工路55號

新莊勞工中心 新莊區 新樹路222號

福美公園 新莊區 福美街/福美街62巷口(西北側人行道)

輔仁大學附設醫院 新莊區 三泰路66號(對面人行道)

昌平公園 新莊區 中央路/福壽街口

新泰游泳池 新莊區 新泰路478號(對面)(鄰近新莊文化藝術中心)

大眾廟 新莊區 中正路82號(旁)

化成公園 新莊區 思源路166巷4號(前)

新莊田徑場 新莊區 復興路一段209號 (對面)

新泰國中 新莊區 新泰路359號(旁)

中港大排願景館 新莊區 中央路301號(對面)

頭前國小 新莊區 頭前路93號(對面)

新莊國民運動中心 新莊區 公園路66號(對面)(鄰近新莊綜合運動場)

中平國中 新莊區 中平路385號(旁)

中信國小 新莊區 榮華路二段/中富街口(西北側人行道)

遠東動力企業總部 新莊區 中正路651號(前)

中正福海街口 新莊區 中正路413號(對面)

捷運幸福站 新莊區 思源路292號(幸福東路側廣場)

宏匯廣場 新莊區 中央路558號(旁)

新北大道昌平街口(臨時站) 新莊區 新北大道三段67號斜前方人行道

新泰路255巷口 新莊區 中環路二段220號旁人行道

瓊林公園 新莊區 中環路一段16號(對面陸橋下)

新北市新店區UBIKE 微笑單車位置

 新北市新店區UBIKE  微笑單車位置

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大鵬華城 新店區 新北市新店區中正路700巷3號

裕隆公園 新店區 寶中路/品牌路口(東南側)

捷運大坪林站(5號出口) 新店區 中興路三段224號(對面)

忠誠里(北新路2段97巷) 新店區 北新路二段/北新路二段97巷

小金門友誼公園 新店區 民族路/建興街

中興寶橋路口 新店區 中興路三段1號旁

台北慈濟醫院 新店區 建國路289號旁空地

崇光女中 新店區 三民路14號至三民路18號

新店高中 新店區 三民路159巷/三民路108號(對面人行道)

新店公有中央市場 新店區 中央四街64號對面

惠國市場 新店區 中正路75巷至中正路95巷間(鄰近馬公友誼公園)

陽光橋 新店區 溪園路/中山路

中興寶慶街口 新店區 中興路三段/寶慶街

中正國小 新店區 三民路36號-42-1號前機車格

捷運小碧潭站(1號出口) 新店區 捷運小碧潭站1號出口旁西側人行道(環河路側)(鄰近小碧潭景觀廣場)

建國民權路口 新店區 建國路259號前人行道

捷運七張站(1號出口) 新店區 北新路二段/北新路二段121巷

北新國小 新店區 寶橋路8號前人行道

柴埕市民活動中心 新店區 安民街/安民街65巷

青潭國小 新店區 北宜路2段149號對面

捷運新店站 新店區 中興路一段34號前(高架橋下停車場)

安和市民活動中心 新店區 安興路67號對面空地 (高架橋下)

安成安德街口 新店區 安成街26號至36號對面

新北市立圖書館新店分館 新店區 新店區北新路三段105巷2號(路側)

安和公園 新店區 安和路二段163號(東南側空地)

新店新和國小 新店區 安和路三段113號(對面人行道)

捷運大坪林站(1號出口) 新店區 北新路三段129號(右側人行道)

中興路二段100巷口 新店區 五峰路63巷/中興路二段100巷口(天橋旁)

安光公園 新店區 安民街安民街3巷15號(對面公園)

碧潭西岸 新店區 碧潭路2號(旁)(鄰近碧潭風景區)

捷運新店區公所站(1號出口) 新店區 中華路3號(對面)(鄰近馬公友誼公園)

新和活動中心 新店區 新和街116巷5弄(街尾)

文山國中 新店區 北宜路一段118號(對面)(鄰近碧潭風景區)

碧潭渡船頭 新店區 新店路36號(對面)

中興中正路口 新店區 中興路二段41號(前)

安康高中 新店區 安興路 25 號(前)

中正路284巷 新店區 中正路284巷2號(對面)

光明街 新店區 光明街185號(對面)

中正民權路口 新店區 中正路489號(旁)

五峰國中 新店區 行政街20號旁

中印青潭廠 新店區 北宜路二段399號(旁)

寶橋路235巷口 新店區 寶橋路235巷2號(旁)

安康立體停車場 新店區 安德街2號(前)

青潭河濱公園 新店區 新烏路一段11弄11號(對面)

陽光Park社區 新店區 安興路107號(社區停車場前人行道)

捷運十四張站 新店區 溪園路205號(旁捷運機廠前人行道)

寶橋路78巷口 新店區 寶橋路78巷10號(旁高速公路橋下空間)

新店高中(中央路) 新店區 中央路97號(對面)

新店行政園區 新店區 北新路一段88巷1號(對面)

綠湖公園 新店區 中興路三段6號(旁)

安居公教住宅 新店區 安忠路52號(前)

民生路156巷 新店區 民生路156巷80號(旁)

央北青年社會住宅 新店區 央北二路十四張口(西南側人行道)

新北市淡水區UBIKE 微笑單車位置

 新北市淡水區UBIKE  微笑單車位置

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竹圍公園 淡水區 淡水區民生路108號旁公園通道(竹圍公園)

竿蓁市民活動中心 淡水區 中正東路一段3巷2號對面路側(亞太飯店旁)(鄰近淡水百齡公園)

新市國小 淡水區 中山北路二段189巷2號對面人行道(新市國小)

中山北新春街口 淡水區 中山北路一段/新春街(東南側)(公園籃球場前人行道)

正德國中 淡水區 北新路116號對面人行道(正德國中)

輕軌濱海義山站 淡水區 濱海路一段125~219號前人行道

捷運淡水站 淡水區 公明街73巷6號前(淡水老街廣場)(鄰近淡水捷運站/淡水龍山寺/捷運淡水線)

淡水國民運動中心 淡水區 中山北路2段381巷2號

捷運竹圍站 淡水區 民權路105號-115號前人行道

輕軌淡水行政中心站 淡水區 濱海中山北路口西南側人行道(家樂福廣場前人行道)

文化機車立體停車場 淡水區 文化路57號(立體停車場地下一樓)(鄰近福佑宮/淡水老街/淡水渡船碼頭/淡水白樓紅樓、偕醫館/登峰魚丸博物館/淡水禮拜堂)

漁人碼頭 淡水區 觀海路199號(右側人行廣場)(鄰近淡水漁人碼頭)

捷運紅樹林站 淡水區 淡水區中正東路2段68號(南向廣場)

大庄一號公園 淡水區 沙崙路97號對面人行道(大庄一號公園)

新市一路一段99巷口 淡水區 新市一路一段99巷21號

台北海洋科技大學 淡水區 濱海路三段150號(校門左側)

輕軌淡金北新站 淡水區 淡金路一段547號(前)

淡水海關碼頭園區 淡水區 中正路261號(旁)(鄰近淡水紅毛城/淡水英國領事館/淡水海關碼頭)

輕軌濱海沙崙站 淡水區 沙崙路一段/濱海路二段(東南側人行道)

輕軌淡海新市鎮站 淡水區 沙崙路二段/新市三路二段口(東北側人行道)

輕軌崁頂站 淡水區 沙崙路二段/新市六路二段(東南側人行道)

輕軌淡江大學站 淡水區 淡金路二段399號(前人行道)

輕軌新市一路站 淡水區 新市一路三段151號(旁人行道)

新市二路二段 淡水區 新市二路二段98號(前)

淡江大學(水源街) 淡水區 水源街二段104號(對面)

美麗新淡海影城 淡水區 新市五路三段/義山路二段(西北側人行道)

公23公園 淡水區 新市五路二段1號(對面)

滬尾藝文休閒園區 淡水區 中正路1段/中正路1段6巷口

新市二路四段 淡水區 新市二路四段58號(前)

義山新市一路口 淡水區 新市一路一段371號(義山路側)

輕軌漁人碼頭站 淡水區 中正路二段/中正路二段51巷口(輕軌站旁)

輕軌沙崙站 淡水區 觀海路/淡海路口(北側)

新北市林口區UBIKE 微笑單車位置

 新北市林口區UBIKE  微笑單車位置

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仁愛文化二路口 林口區 仁愛路二段559號前方人行道

中山佳林路口 林口區 中山路250-1號前方機車停車格

林口區公所 林口區 仁愛路一段378號(林口區公所旁機車停車格)

新麗園社區 林口區 麗園一街/麗園一街11巷(對面人行道)

麗林公有市場 林口區 公園路59號(頂好超市側門)

富貴森林公園 林口區 中山路/富貴路口(富貴路人行道上)

林口自強公園 林口區 自強三街3號旁人行道

捷運林口站(1號出口) 林口區 文化三路/八德路口 (1號出口旁)

立言公園 林口區 忠孝一路/民族路61巷交叉口

林口國小 林口區 林口路77號對面林口國小旁人行道

南勢市民活動中心 林口區 南勢二街154號旁

林口社區運動公園 林口區 文化一路一段/仁愛路二段口(林口社區運動公園文化一路側人行道)

頭湖國小 林口區 民權路101號旁(植栽帶)

扶輪公園 林口區 文化二路一段/文化二路一段309巷

立德公園 林口區 仁愛二路與民族路口交叉口

三井Outlet 林口區 林口區文化二路一段241巷(三井Outlet北邊出口)(鄰近MITSUI OUTLET PARK 林口)

林口老街 林口區 中正路115號(東側停車場)

新北市林口行政園區 林口區 忠孝二路55號(鄰近MITSUI OUTLET PARK 林口)

民視數位媒體總部 林口區 信義路99號(前廣場)

廣停二停車場 林口區 民富街99號(對面)

大崙公園 林口區 南勢二街408號旁

林口高中 林口區 仁愛路二段173號(對面)

林口社區運動公園(公園路) 林口區 公園路192號(旁)

崇林國中 林口區 麗園路121號(對面)

林口郵局 林口區 文化二路一段8號(前)

竹林山觀音寺 林口區 竹林路/竹林路421巷口

新林國小 林口區 三民街101號(忠孝三路側人行道)

林口國民運動中心 林口區 文化二路二段369號(文化二路二段側人行道)

林口新創園 林口區 仁愛路496-3號(前)

國立師範大學林口校區(測試站) 林口區 仁愛路1段2號(校門前自行車停車區)

林口婦幼公園 林口區 文化一路一段146號(旁公園)

湖南市民活動中心 林口區 民權路165號(前人行道)

新北市汐止區UBIKE 微笑單車位置

 新北市汐止區UBIKE  微笑單車位置

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汐止火車站 汐止區 南昌街/新昌路口(西側廣場)

汐止區公所 汐止區 新台五路一段/仁愛路口(新台五路側汐止地政事務所前機車停車場)

國泰綜合醫院 汐止區 建成路78號對面停車場

汐科火車站(北) 汐止區 大同路二段184巷/龍安路202巷(西側)(汐科火車站北站出口前)

樟樹國小 汐止區 樟樹二路/樟樹一路141巷

金龍國小 汐止區 中興路/民族六街

白雲國小 汐止區 民權街二段90號

東勢宜興活動中心 汐止區 東勢街/芳園街

原興廣場 汐止區 原興路/中興路150巷

文化白雲公園 汐止區 水源路二段42號訖水源路二段68號

金龍公園 汐止區 湖前街31巷2弄/湖前街31巷

保長公園 汐止區 保長路/保長路45巷

東方科學園區 汐止區 新台五路一段90-116號

連興龍安路口 汐止區 連興路/龍安路28巷

青山國民中小學 汐止區 莊敬街33號

汐止區綜合運動場 汐止區 汐科路/秀峰路

汐止公園 汐止區 大同路二段451號

台灣科學園區 汐止區 大同路一段237號前空地

雍和科學園區 汐止區 南陽街185號

五堵火車站 汐止區 鄉長路一段人行道側

橋東里(忠孝東路) 汐止區 忠孝東路484號至488號前

北港國小 汐止區 汐萬路二段279號

崇德橋東活動中心 汐止區 茄苳路84號(崇德橋東里民活動中心前)

南興公園 汐止區 南興路62號旁(南興公園內)

忠山市民活動中心 汐止區 忠三街8號(活動中心旁籃球場空間)

仁愛路151巷口 汐止區 汐止區仁愛路153號門口(路側)

汐科火車站(南) 汐止區 汐止區大同路二段182號(人行道)

民族二街明峰街口 汐止區 汐止區明峰街13號(右側路側)

世貿國家公園社區 汐止區 長江路101號(對面)

工建樟樹一路口 汐止區 工建路50 號(對面路側)

崇德國小 汐止區 茄苳路183號(對面)

蘭庭序大廈 汐止區 汐萬路一段201號前

康寧街307巷 汐止區 明峰街281號(對面)

康福公園 汐止區 福德一路86巷23號(旁)

汐止火車站停車場 汐止區 信義路1號(汐科路側人行道)

長安橋(吉祥街12巷) 汐止區 吉祥街12巷2號(旁)

矽谷園區 汐止區 中興路45-1號(旁)

新北市五股區UBIKE 微笑單車位置

 新北市五股區UBIKE  微笑單車位置

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德音國小 五股區 明德路2號(德音國小成泰路路側人行道)(鄰近維格餅家鳳梨酥夢工場)

新北市立圖書館五股成功分館 五股區 西雲路165號圖書館旁空地(鄰近西雲禪寺)

五股國民運動中心 五股區 成泰路三段353號(對面公園內)

成德公園 五股區 成泰路三段成洲八路口東北側成德公園路側

五股工商立體停車場 五股區 五股區中興路四段19-1號(對面人行道)

台北得意GO 五股區 五股區四維路116號(人行道)

貿商國宅 五股區 登林路76-3號(前人行道)

五股郵局 五股區 凌雲路一段80巷9號(對面人行道)

公五公園 五股區 芳州五路/芳州二路口(東北側)

民義公園 五股區 五福路五福路6巷口(五福橋旁公園)

成州國小 五股區 成泰路三段493號(東側)

新北市工商展覽中心 五股區 五工六路35號(對面)

新北市勞工活動中心 五股區 五工六路9號(前廣場)

成泰路一段(中油) 五股區 成泰路一段194號(對面)

陸光國宅 五股區 民義路1段/民義路1段183巷口

御史路1巷 五股區 御史路1巷5號(旁)

芳洲八路 五股區 芳洲八路152號(對面)

成泰路4段22巷 五股區 成泰路4段22巷29號(對面)

德泰公園 五股區 成泰路一段79號(旁)

凌雲路一段158巷口 五股區 凌雲路一段158巷22號(對面)

新北市八里區 UBIKE 微笑單車位置

 新北市八里區 UBIKE  微笑單車位置

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下庄市場 八里區 舊城路19號前

八里中庄市場綜合大樓 八里區 中山路一段268巷2號(對面汽車停車場)

龍形停車場 八里區 龍米路一段318號(對面停車場)

大崁國小 八里區 忠八街2號(前)

十三行博物館 八里區 博物館路183號(對面)

八里行政中心 八里區 十三行路(靠中山路二段路口西南側人行道)

龍米停車場 八里區 龍米路二段150號(旁)

新北市三重區UBIKE 微笑單車位置

 新北市三重區UBIKE  微笑單車位置

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興華公園 三重區 重陽路一段120巷/中華路2巷

三重國民運動中心 三重區 集美街/重新路四段184巷

捷運三重站(3號出口) 三重區 捷運路/捷運路37巷

重陽國小 三重區 中正北路/三民街175巷

明志國中 三重區 中正北路107號

三重商工 三重區 中正北路/中正北路276巷

新北高中 三重區 三信路1號旁

開元市民活動中心 三重區 開元街58號/長元街65巷16弄對面

二重國小 三重區 頂崁街164號至188號(對面二重國小)

二重國中 三重區 忠孝路三段75巷1號至忠孝路三段75巷11號(對面人行道)

三重行政中心 三重區 新北大道一段15巷至新北大道一段5巷2弄(區公所人行道)

新北市立圖書館三重分館 三重區 自強路一段162號至自強路一段二弄4號(對面停車場)

三張公園 三重區 大智街127號至大智路137號(對面三張公園)

六合公園 三重區 自強路二段74巷27號對面

正義公園 三重區 文化北路101號至119號對面

捷運菜寮站(3號出口) 三重區 重新路三段67號旁

捷運三和國中站(1號出口) 三重區 三和路四段95號至97號對面(捷運三和國中站1號出口)

和平公園 三重區 忠孝路二段/忠孝路二段32巷

三重綜合體育館 三重區 新北大道一段1號前人行道

信義公園 三重區 信義西街18號對面人行道(鄰近三和夜市)

聯邦公園 三重區 三民街/中華路

集成成功路口 三重區 集成路2號至8號前人行道

碧華公園 三重區 溪尾街303號(對面公園)

五福里(五華街) 三重區 五華街64號對面人行道(碧華國中旁)

同安公園 三重區 正義南路/同安東街(正義南路側公園廣場)(鄰近新北市眷村文化園區(空軍三重一村))

進安公園 三重區 仁義街258號至290號

自強溪尾街口 三重區 自強路4段/溪尾街

捷運三重國小站 三重區 仁愛街/三和路3段11巷

永福國小 三重區 永福街/下竹圍街

重新重安街口 三重區 重新路三段/重安街

龍門龍濱路口 三重區 龍濱路192號對面

厚德公園 三重區 忠孝路一段37號

自然公園 三重區 如意街/集賢路口

捷運先嗇宮站(2號出口) 三重區 重新路五段515號

先嗇宮 三重區 五谷王北街77號(後方停車場旁人行道)(鄰近三重先嗇宮)

光興國小 三重區 光興街/文化南路口(西南側)(光興街路側)(鄰近新北市眷村文化園區(空軍三重一村))

修德國小 三重區 民生街74號對面人行道

龍門公園 三重區 公園街/仁福街 (龍門公園人行道上)

永盛公園 三重區 車路頭街139巷135號(對面人行道)

六張公園 三重區 安慶街149巷21號 (對面六張公園人行道)

三重永豐公園 三重區 永福街197巷6之1號

中興北街175巷口 三重區 三重區中興北街175巷10號對面(路側)

太陽公園 三重區 三重區三賢街203號(對面汽車格)(鄰近蘆洲兒童親子分館)

三重五常公園 三重區 三重區五華街7巷(對面公園人行道)

三德公園 三重區 三重區仁和街205號(斜對面公園人行道)

力行大勇街口 三重區 三重區力行路/大勇街口(路側)

中正北路193巷(愛買三重店) 三重區 中正北路193巷45號(賣場停車場)

翔譽雙子星 三重區 中正南路251號(右側人行道)

環河福德南路口 三重區 福德南路71號(對面人行道)

光明市場 三重區 光明路67-1號(對面)

中興北街42巷17弄 三重區 中興北街42巷17弄8號旁

三光國小(金滿意) 三重區 大同南路246-1號(對面人行道)

藍天大樓 三重區 興德路129號(旁)

大智公園 三重區 大同北路56號(對面)

三重高中 三重區 集美街217號(對面)

穀保家商 三重區 疏洪東路三段/中正北路560巷口(鄰近二重環狀自行車道)

碧華公園(集勇街) 三重區 仁安街2號(對面)

文中小停車場 三重區 名源街54號(對面)

東海高中 三重區 忠孝路三段93巷6號(對面)

仁愛街112巷 三重區 仁愛街112巷7號(對面)

中興橋(環河南路254巷口) 三重區 環河南路253號(對面中興橋下)

慈愛公園 三重區 仁愛街584號旁公園人行道

後竹圍市民活動中心 三重區 後竹圍街175巷18號(對面)

三重商工(後竹圍街) 三重區 中正北路165巷53號(後竹圍街路側停車格)

疏洪東竹圍仔街口 三重區 疏洪東路/竹圍仔街口(東北側人行道)

捷運三重站(1號出口) 三重區 捷運路36號(旁)

新北市三峽區 UBIKE 微笑單車位置

 新北市三峽區 UBIKE  微笑單車位置

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三峽區公所(三峽老街) 三峽區 中山路17號(公所旁徒步區)(鄰近三峽清水祖師廟/三峽歷史文物館/三峽老街)

國立臺北大學(三峽校區) 三峽區 學勤路大學路口(面校門右側人行道)(鄰近國立台北大學)

三峽區礁溪行政中心 三峽區 光明路71號(左側)

恩主公醫院 三峽區 復興路372號(對面公車亭後方人行道)

龍埔公園 三峽區 新北市三峽區國光街85號

中園國小 三峽區 三峽區弘園街55號(對面人行道)

介壽國小 三峽區 三峽區介壽路一段/大同路口(人行道)

安溪國中 三峽區 三峽區中正路一段/大同路(人行道路橋旁)

龍埔國小 三峽區 三峽區大學路47號(對面人行道)

安溪國小 三峽區 中華路61號(對面路側)(鄰近李梅樹紀念館)

明德高中 三峽區 中正路二段/中正路二段395巷口

新北市客家文化園區 三峽區 隆恩街239號(右側)

龍恩公園 三峽區 國際一街90號(對面)(鄰近國立台北大學)

海洋公園 三峽區 大義路/學勤路口(西北側)

臺北大學(資訊中心) 三峽區 大學路151號(資訊中心旁)

三鶯國民運動中心 三峽區 文化路164號(旁)(鄰近三峽清水祖師廟/三峽歷史文物館/三峽老街)

復興民生街口 三峽區 復興路45號(前)

三峽國中 三峽區 復興路238號(前人行道)

三峽國光青年社會住宅 三峽區 三樹路2號(對面)

新北市永和區 UBIKE 微笑單車位置

新北市永和區 UBIKE  微笑單車位置

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福和國中 永和區 永貞路/永亨路(東南側)

仁愛公園 永和區 仁愛路/保生路(鄰近世界宗教博物館)

頂溪國小 永和區 文化路133號(西側)(鄰近永和親子圖書閱覽室)

永和國小 永和區 中正路390號至426號對面

秀朗國小 永和區 民生路15號至23號對面

捷運頂溪站(1號出口) 永和區 中興街1號對面

保安永平路口 永和區 保安路248號至250號對面

永平高中 永和區 永平路/永平路203巷口(靠學校圍牆路側)(鄰近樂華夜市/世界宗教博物館)

保順環河西路口 永和區 保順環河西路口

永福橋 永和區 豫溪街217巷27號對面人行道

秀得里(成功路二段) 永和區 成功路二段28號至34號

上林里(環河東路一段) 永和區 環河東路一段/竹林路75巷25弄

中正橋 永和區 環河東路一段/光復街(鄰近楊三郎美術館)

永和耕莘醫院 永和區 國光路123號 ( 耕莘醫院外路側汽機車格位 )

永和國民運動中心 永和區 永和區永利路141號(對面人行道)

永和國父紀念館 永和區 永和區國光路9號(前人行道)

保平路214巷 永和區 永和區保平路214巷12弄12號(對面路側)(鄰近樂華夜市/世界宗教博物館)

永和自由街 永和區 永和區 自由街69號(路側)

名利橋 永和區 仁愛路352巷96號(對面廣場)

福和國中停車場 永和區 永亨路99號(對向人行道)

福和橋 永和區 環河東路三段90號前

雙和橋 永和區 中山路二段3巷2號(對面公園)

環河西路一段95巷口 永和區 環河西路一段/環河西路一段95巷(人行道)

福和路7巷口 永和區 福和路/福和路7巷口

忠孝活動中心 永和區 忠孝街26巷8號(前)(鄰近楊三郎美術館)

民權社區活動中心 永和區 民權路60號(活動中心後方廣場)

新北市中和區 UBIKE 微笑單車位置

 新北市中和區 UBIKE  微笑單車位置

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秀山國小 中和區 更生街/自立路(西南側)

捷運永安市場站 中和區 中安街/中和路378巷(東南側)

中和公園 中和區 安樂路/得和路(西南側)

中和國民運動中心 中和區 和城路一段/中正二橋

捷運南勢角站(4號出口) 中和區 捷運路3號(對面)(鄰近興南夜市)

錦和運動公園 中和區 錦和路163號

中和環球購物中心 中和區 中山路三段130號

華福市民活動中心 中和區 民德路296號對面停車格位

中和地政事務所 中和區 復興路280號

華夏科技大學 中和區 工專路111號

秀朗成功路口 中和區 秀朗路三段 / 成功路二段

民享藝文特區 中和區 民治街120號對面人行道

景安板南路口 中和區 景安路與板南路口(西南側三角公園)

福祥里(中和溝) 中和區 福祥路90巷7弄1號對側空間

民德立體停車場 中和區 中和區民德路188 號(立體停車場前方人行空間)

中和自強公園 中和區 莒光路181號對側公園人行道旁

中和區公所 中和區 景平路634-2號 ( 中和區公所正門機車格位 )

新北市立中和高級中學 中和區 連城路460號(大門旁右側人行空間)

安邦公園 中和區 安邦街與連勝街口(交叉路口西北側)

佳和公園 中和區 中和區中山路二段2巷27號(對面公園)

民樂人行廣場 中和區 中和區員山路266巷39號(對面路側)

德光國光街口 中和區 中和區德光國光街口(巷子路側)

福和宮 中和區 中和區廣福路112號(人行道)

飛駝社區(興南路) 中和區 中和區興南路二段159巷4號(人行道)

圓通錦和路口 中和區 中和區圓通路367巷路側(46-52停車格)

中和安和路口 中和區 中和路與安和路口

元氣大鎮社區 中和區 中山路三段與台新街口

員勝公園 中和區 員山路591號(巷內)

安樂宜安路口 中和區 中和區安樂路101之1號

遠雄左岸 中和區 中原街90號(對面)

瓦磘溝(福真里) 中和區 中山路二段312巷33弄27號

中正路161巷口 中和區 中正路161巷26弄5號(對面空地)

中和青年社會住宅 中和區 景德街7號

捷運中原站 中和區 板南路496號(對面)

碧河宮 中和區 連城路/連城路261巷口

圓通路335巷33弄 中和區 圓通路335巷33弄15號(西側)

山北公園 中和區 莊敬路33巷36弄2號(對面)

捷運景平站 中和區 景平路127號(旁)

積穗國中 中和區 民安街71號(對面)

佳和公園(中山路二段64巷) 中和區 中山路二段64巷7弄15-4號(對面)

環河西路三段(日安社區) 中和區 環河西路三段66號(旁)

中原東街(左岸牡丹園) 中和區 中原東街/中原二街(東北側人行道)

興南路二段34巷口 中和區 興南路二段34巷1號(對面)

捷運中和站 中和區 中山路2段291號(前)

捷運秀朗橋站 中和區 景平路2號(前)

民有公園 中和區 中山路3段118-6號(對面)

華新街109巷11弄 中和區 華新街109巷11弄(機車格)

光華橋(保平路) 中和區 中山路2段3巷/保平路口

捷運橋和站 中和區 板南路468號(對面)

漳和國中 中和區 廣福路30號(對面)

德光莒光路口 中和區 德光路12號(前)

捷運景安站 中和區 景平路486號(對面)

雙和醫院 中和區 中正路281號(公車亭旁)

新北市土城區 UBIKE 微笑單車位置

新北市土城區 UBIKE  微笑單車位置

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捷運頂埔站(2號出口) 土城區 新北市土城區中央路四段53號(前)

金城忠義路口 土城區 金城路一段/忠義路

捷運土城站(2號出口) 土城區 金城路1段/和平路

員林社區公園 土城區 員林街12巷對面

延和社區公園 土城區 延和路180號(旁)

土城綜合體育場 土城區 裕民路195巷旁

大安中央路口 土城區 大安路/中央路三段

捷運海山站(3號出口) 土城區 海山路46號對面機車格位

捷運永寧站(2號出口) 土城區 承天路11號對面

金城立體停車場 土城區 金城路2段266號

頂新祖田市民活動中心 土城區 中央路四段285號

頂埔國小 土城區 中央路四段205號(頂埔國小校門口)(鄰近土城親子分館)

青山廣場 土城區 明德路一段240巷1號(雜貨店前人行道)

金城立德路口 土城區 金城路三段19-30號(路側人行道)

清水高中 土城區 土城區明德路一段72號

沛陂社區公園 土城區 土城區三民路23巷8弄(公園裡面)

新北高工 土城區 新北市土城區學府路一段241號

長風社區 土城區 土城區中華路二段91~95號(人行道)

捷運海山站(1號出口) 土城區 土城區海山路(捷運海山站1號出口人行道)

亞洲員安路口 土城區 亞洲路94號(對面人行道)(鄰近大黑松小倆口牛軋糖博物館)

立德青雲路口 土城區 立德路2號(對面)

學成公園 土城區 學成路/學成路76巷口

土城國中 土城區 永寧路18號(對面)

中華中央路一段242巷口 土城區 中華路一段185號(前)

廣福派出所 土城區 學府路一段86號前

金城裕民路口(中正國中) 土城區 金城路二段218號(對面)

員和公園 土城區 中央路二段66號(對面)

延吉街47巷口 土城區 延吉街43號(對面)

清和里(青雲路) 土城區 青雲路449號(對面)

土城仁愛社區公園 土城區 仁愛路17巷2號(對面)

中山1號科技總部 土城區 中山路1號(前)

頂埔市場 土城區 中州路28巷30號(前廣場)

中央路一段292巷口 土城區 中央路一段274號(對面)

清水社區公園 土城區 延吉街395號(對面)

斬龍山遺址文化公園 土城區 龍山一街/金城路二段(北側公園)

中華城林路口 土城區 中華路二段175號(前)

新北市板橋區 UBIKE 微笑單車位置

 新北市板橋區 UBIKE  站 微笑單車位置

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板橋國民運動中心 板橋區 英士路/智樂路

永安公園 板橋區 雙十路一段25號前人行道

捷運江子翠站(3號出口) 板橋區 文化路二段/雙十路二段(鄰近石雕公園/板橋農村公園)

音樂公園 板橋區 大同街97號對面公園人行道

捷運新埔站(2號出口) 板橋區 文化路一段318號旁廣場

聯合醫院板橋院區 板橋區 龍泉街131號旁人行道(立體停車場前)

捷運板橋站(3號出口) 板橋區 文化路一段117號對面人行道(鄰近板橋高鐵站)

民生公園 板橋區 民生路一段/民生路一段30巷

新北市政府(新府路) 板橋區 新府路1號對面人行道(鄰近板橋高鐵站/新北市市民廣場)

捷運板橋站(1號出口) 板橋區 縣民大道二段3號(秀泰影城門口)(鄰近板橋高鐵站)

板橋地政事務所 板橋區 實踐路5號對面

板橋戶政事務所 板橋區 中正路6號前人行道(鄰近林家花園(林本源園邸)/大觀義學(大觀書社))

板橋和平公園 板橋區 重慶路355號前廣場

捷運府中站(3號出口) 板橋區 府中路31號至53號對面(鄰近板橋慈惠宮/府中商圈(板橋後站商圈))

捷運亞東醫院站(2號出口) 板橋區 南雅南路二段122-23號前人行道

新北市立圖書館總館 板橋區 貴興路119巷(鄰近新北市立圖書館總館)

莊敬公園 板橋區 萬板路/民生路二段(鄰近板橋萬板親子圖書閱覽室)

新海長江路口 板橋區 長江路一段/新海路

捷運新埔站(4號出口) 板橋區 民生路二段250號前人行道

板橋仁愛公園 板橋區 國慶路49巷23號對面

縣民民族路口 板橋區 縣民大道一段/民族路(鄰近府中商圈(板橋後站商圈))

廣福公園 板橋區 廣權路/廣和街

板橋四維公園 板橋區 陽明街251號至259號對面人行道

華德公園 板橋區 四川路二段245巷60號對面

中山國中 板橋區 文化路一段188巷56號

四川遠東路口 板橋區 遠東路5號前人行道(四川路側)

板橋信義公園 板橋區 四川路二段6號對面(鄰近玉美人孕婦裝觀光工廠)

國光里(國光路) 板橋區 國光路76號旁

民生長江路口 板橋區 民生路三段/長江路一段(64高架橋下方)

浮洲合宜住宅(合安一路) 板橋區 合安一路/大觀路二段153巷

國光公園 板橋區 中正路325巷/中正路341巷

板橋福德公園 板橋區 新站路1號對面(鄰近新北市市民廣場)

板林溪北路口 板橋區 板林路/溪北路

新北市藝文中心 板橋區 莊敬路/文化路2段182巷(鄰近新北市藝文中心)

溪洲公園停車場 板橋區 溪崑二街145號

崑崙公園 板橋區 大觀路三段212巷70號對面

潤泰社區 板橋區 三民路二段35巷口

板橋國中 板橋區 中正路441號前人行道(鄰近435藝文特區)

永豐公園活動中心 板橋區 永豐街221號

浮洲合宜住宅(樂群路) 板橋區 板橋區合宜路/樂群路口

板橋第一運動場 板橋區 板橋區海山路23號對面

崑崙活力廣場 板橋區 大觀路三段133巷3號對面廣場

溪北公園 板橋區 篤行路二段131巷35號(對面人行道)

臺灣藝術大學 板橋區 大觀路一段51號(郵局旁邊)

新北市政府(新站路) 板橋區 中山路一段161號(東側出口)(鄰近新北市市民廣場)

板橋車站 板橋區 新站路/站前路口(十字路口西側)(鄰近板橋高鐵站)

溪頭公園 板橋區 板橋區溪頭街352號前面人行道

浮洲火車站 板橋區 板橋區僑中二街/大觀路一段38巷(自行車停放區內)

大觀國中 板橋區 板橋區僑中二街8巷(對面人行道)

埔墘國小 板橋區 新北市板橋區永豐街44號

振義里公園 板橋區 萬安街55號(對面機車停車格)

江翠國中 板橋區 板橋區松江街63號(對面路側)(鄰近石雕公園)

板橋果菜批發市場 板橋區 板城路/香社一路口

光復國小 板橋區 長壽街168號(對面人行道)

捷運府中站(2號出口) 板橋區 府中路5號(後方人行道)(鄰近板橋慈惠宮/府中商圈(板橋後站商圈))

國泰街111巷口 板橋區 國泰街111巷1號(對面)

湳雅觀光夜市(津渡橋) 板橋區 南雅西路一段152號(對面)(鄰近板橋接雲寺)

江翠國小 板橋區 文化路二段413號(校門右側人行道)

華江一華江九路口 板橋區 華江一路/華江九路口(東南側人行道)

海山高中 板橋區 漢生東路215號(右側人行道)

萬板文聖街口 板橋區 萬板文聖街口

林本源園邸 板橋區 文昌街24巷1號(對面)

忠孝國中 板橋區 成都街30號(右側)

馥華公園 板橋區 僑中二街118號前

光復高中 板橋區 長壽街/光環路一段(西南側)

文德國小(公館街) 板橋區 公館街258號(對面)

石雕公園 板橋區 吳鳳路50巷36號(旁)(鄰近石雕公園/板橋農村公園)

民生縣民大道口 板橋區 民生路二段/縣民大道二段口(西南側)

新北市藝文中心(文化路二段124巷) 板橋區 文化路二段124巷32號(對面)(鄰近新北市藝文中心)

四維公園地下停車場 板橋區 四維路177巷3弄6號(旁)

浮洲合宜住宅(合宜一路) 板橋區 大觀路二段265巷/合宜一路(東南側)

捷運府中站(1號出口) 板橋區 縣民大道一段/府中路口(西南側)(鄰近板橋慈惠宮/府中商圈(板橋後站商圈))

板橋重慶公園 板橋區 重慶路276號(對面)

縣民漢生東路口 板橋區 縣民大道二段112號(前)

時光公園 板橋區 華江陸橋旁/文化路二段北側公園口

環河公園 板橋區 南雅西路二段301巷41弄5-5號(旁)

大觀路二段19巷 板橋區 大觀路二段19巷115號(旁)

四川忠孝路口 板橋區 四川路一段244號(對面)

仁化文新路口 板橋區 仁化街/文新路口(西北側人行道)

信義公園市民活動中心 板橋區 信義路150巷43號(前)

民生中山路口 板橋區 民生路二段8-1號(前)

重慶國小 板橋區 廣和街35號(對面)

板橋真武廟 板橋區 光復街202巷6-1號(前)

南雅公園 板橋區 南雅南路二段1-1號(旁)

捷運新埔站(1號出口) 板橋區 民生路三段11號(前)

健華新城社區 板橋區 文化路一段309-6號(前)

環河西大漢街口 板橋區 環河西路四段/大漢街(西南側)

莒光國小 板橋區 雙十路2段47巷8弄6號(對面)

板橋中山公園 板橋區 莊敬路134號(對面)

捷運板新站 板橋區 板新路117巷7號(後方廣場)

三抱竹 板橋區 大觀路二段162號(對面橋下機車格)

捷運新埔站(5號出口) 板橋區 文化路二段1號(旁)

浮洲合宜住宅(合宜合安一路口) 板橋區 合宜路/合安一路(東南側機車停車場)

藝文二永翠路口(青峰社區) 板橋區 藝文二街永翠路口(西南側人行道)

埤墘公園 板橋區 萬板路108號(前公園路側)

華江一華江六路口(仰真社區) 板橋區 華江一路379號(旁) 

華江一華江五路口(雙江翠社區) 板橋區 華江一路219號(旁)

捷運新埔民生站 板橋區 民生路三段70號對面停車場內

文化路二段182巷1弄 板橋區 文化路二段182巷3弄95號(對面)

永翠藝文街口(大禾社區) 板橋區 永翠路350-352號(前方)

永翠藝文街口(柏克萊公園社區) 板橋區 永翠路342-348號(前方)

2021年5月20日 星期四

健康科學 The Science of Being Well by W. D. Wattles 華萊士·德洛瓦·沃特爾斯(Wallace Delois Wattles)古騰堡文檔, google 翻譯

 原載網址  https://www.gutenberg.org/files/33917/33917-h/33917-h.htm

華萊士·德洛瓦·沃特爾斯(Wallace Delois Wattles)



作者:華萊士·德洛伊·沃特爾斯(Wallace Delois Wattles)




***此項目開始於古騰堡電子書《健康的科學》 ***

由Norbert H. Langkau,Jana Srna和Online製作

WD Wattles






售價$ 1.00 








如果讀者希望充分了解宇宙的一元論,[第7頁] 建議他閱讀黑格爾和愛默生;還可以閱讀“永恆的新聞”,這是JJ Brown的小冊子,位於蘇格蘭格拉斯哥Govanhill的Cathcart Road 300號。作者的一系列文章中也可以找到一些啟示,這些文章於1909年在馬薩諸塞州霍利奧克的鸚鵡螺號上發表,題為“真相是什麼?”。

那些希望獲得有關自願功能(飲食,飲水,呼吸和睡眠)執行情況的詳細信息的人,可以閱讀“新的生活與康復科學”,“給丈夫的信”和“食品的建設性使用”。 ”,由WD Wattles製作的小冊子,可以從這本書的出版商處獲得。我還將推薦霍勒斯·弗萊徹(Horace Fletcher)和愛德華·胡克·杜威(Edward Hooker Dewey)的著作。如果願意,請閱讀所有這些內容,將其作為信仰的支柱。但是讓我警告您,不要犯錯誤地學習許多騙局[第8頁]提出理論,並同時實踐幾個不同“系統”的一部分;因為如果您感覺良好,那一定是通過賦予您的全心以正確的思維和生活方式來實現的。請記住,《健康科學》聲稱在每個方面都是完整而充分的指南。專注於它規定和思考的方式,並按照每個細節進行操作,您會感覺很好。或者如果您已經很好,那麼您將保持這種狀態。我堅信,直到您獲得完美健康的無價祝福,您都會繼續前進,







功能的完美自然表現是健康;功能的完美自然表現是生命原理的自然作用。宇宙中有生命的原理。它是萬物的萬物。這種生物物質滲透,滲透並充滿了宇宙的各個空間。它存在於所有事物中,就像是一種非常精煉且可擴散的以太。終身[第10頁] 來自它;它的生活就是所有的生活。



我現在著手證明這一最後的陳述。我們都知道,治愈方法是由治愈技術各個分支中所採用的所有不同方法(通常是相反方法)產生的。給予大劑量抗毒藥的同種異體療法可以治愈他的病人;還有順勢療法者,他給予的劑量最少量的毒藥與[第11頁] 疾病,也可以治愈。如果同種療法可以治愈任何特定疾病,則可以肯定的是順勢療法從未治愈過該疾病。如果順勢療法曾經治癒了一種疾病,那麼同種療法就不可能治愈這種疾病。這兩個系統在理論和實踐上完全相反。而且都可以“治愈”大多數疾病。甚至任何一所學校的醫生所使用的補救方法也不相同。將消化不良的情況帶給六位醫生,並比較他們的處方;它們中任何一種的成分都極有可能不會包含在其他成分中。我們是否可以不得出這樣的結論,即患者的內在健康原理得到了治愈,而不是通過各種“補救措施”得到了治愈?

Not only this, but we find the same ailments cured by the osteopath with manipulations of the spine; by the faith healer with prayer, by the food scientist with bills of fare, by the Christian Scientist with a formulated creed state[Pg 12]ment, by the mental scientist with affirmation, and by the hygienists with differing plans of living. What conclusion can we come to in the face of all these facts but that there is a Principle of Health which is the same in all people, and which really accomplishes all the cures; and that there is something in all the "systems" which, under favorable conditions, arouses the Principle of Health to action? That is, medicines, manipulations, prayers, bills of fare, affirmations, and hygienic practices cure whenever they cause the Principle of Health to become active; and fail whenever they do not cause it to become active. Does not all this indicate that the results depend upon the way the patient thinks about the remedy, rather than upon the ingredients in the prescription?

There is an old story which furnishes so good an illustration on this point that I will give it here. It is said that in the middle ages, the bones of a saint,[Pg 13] kept in one of the monasteries, were working miracles of healing; on certain days a great crowd of the afflicted gathered to touch the relics, and all who did so were healed. On the eve of one of these occasions, some sacrilegious rascal gained access to the case in which the wonder-working relics were kept and stole the bones; and in the morning, with the usual crowd of sufferers waiting at the gates, the fathers found themselves shorn of the source of the miracle-working power. They resolved to keep the matter quiet, hoping that by doing so they might find the thief and recover their treasures; and hastening to the cellar of the convent they dug up the bones of a murderer, who had been buried there many years before. These they placed in the case, intending to make some plausible excuse for the failure of the saint to perform his usual miracles on that day; and then they let in the waiting assemblage of the sick and infirm. To the intense astonish[Pg 14]ment of those in the secret, the bones of the malefactor proved as efficacious as those of the saint; and the healing went on as before. One of the fathers is said to have left a history of the occurrence, in which he confessed that, in his judgment, the healing power had been in the people themselves all the time, and never in the bones at all.

Whether the story is true or not, the conclusion applies to all the cures wrought by all the systems. The Power that Heals is in the patient himself; and whether it shall become active or not does not depend upon the physical or mental means used, but upon the way the patient thinks about these means. There is a Universal Principle of Life, as Jesus taught; a great spiritual Healing Power; and there is a Principle of Health in man which is related to this Healing Power. This is dormant or active, according to the way a man thinks. He can always quicken it into activity by thinking in a Certain Way.[Pg 15]

Your getting well does not depend upon the adoption of some system, or the finding of some remedy; people with your identical ailments have been healed by all systems and all remedies. It does not depend upon climate; some people are well and others are sick in all climates. It does not depend upon avocation, unless in case of those who work under poisonous conditions; people are well in all trades and professions. Your getting well depends upon your beginning to think—and act—in a Certain Way.

The way a man thinks about things is determined by what he believes about them. His thoughts are determined by his faith, and the results depend upon his making a personal application of his faith. If a man has faith in the efficacy of a medicine, and is able to apply that faith to himself, that medicine will certainly cause him to be cured; but though his faith be great, he will not be cured unless he applies it to himself.[Pg 16] Many sick people have faith for others but none for themselves. So, if he has faith in a system of diet, and can personally apply that faith, it will cure him; and if he has faith in prayers and affirmations and personally applies his faith, prayers and affirmations will cure him. Faith, personally applied, cures; and no matter how great the faith or how persistent the thought, it will not cure without personal application. The Science of Being Well, then, includes the two fields of thought and action. To be well it is not enough that man should merely think in a Certain Way; he must apply his thought to himself, and he must express and externalize it in his outward life by acting in the same way that he thinks.

[Pg 17]


The Foundations of Faith.

Before man can think in the Certain Way which will cause his diseases to be healed, he must believe in certain truths which are here stated:—

All things are made from one Living Substance, which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. While all visible things are made from It, yet this Substance, in its first formless condition is in and through all the visible forms that It has made. Its life is in All, and its intelligence is in All.

This Substance creates by thought, and its method is by taking the form of that which it thinks about. The thought of a form held by this substance causes it to assume that form; the[Pg 18] thought of a motion causes it to institute that motion. Forms are created by this substance in moving itself into certain attitudes or positions. When Original Substance wishes to create a given form, it thinks of the motions which will produce that form. When it wishes to create a world, it thinks of the motions, perhaps extending through ages, which will result in its coming into the attitude and form of the world; and these motions are made. When it wishes to create an oak tree, it thinks of the sequences of movement, perhaps extending through ages, which will result in the form of an oak tree; and these motions are made. The particular sequences of motion by which differing forms should be produced were established in the beginning; they are changeless. Certain motions instituted in the Formless Substance will forever produce certain forms.

Man's body is formed from the Original Substance, and is the result of cer[Pg 19]tain motions, which first existed as thoughts of Original Substance. The motions which produce, renew, and repair the body of man are called functions, and these functions are of two classes: voluntary and involuntary. The involuntary functions are under the control of the Principle of Health in man, and are performed in a perfectly healthy manner so long as man thinks in a certain way. The voluntary functions of life are eating, drinking, breathing, and sleeping. These, entirely or in part, are under the direction of man's conscious mind; and he can perform them in a perfectly healthy way if he will. If he does not perform them in a healthy way, he cannot long be well. So we see that if man thinks in a certain way, and eats, drinks, breathes, and sleeps in a corresponding way, he will be well.

The involuntary functions of man's life are under the direct control of the Principle of Health, and so long as man[Pg 20] thinks in a perfectly healthy way, these functions are perfectly performed; for the action of the Principle of Health is largely directed by man's conscious thought, affecting his sub-conscious mind.

Man is a thinking center, capable of originating thought; and as he does not know everything, he makes mistakes and thinks error. Not knowing everything, he believes things to be true which are not true. Man holds in his thought the idea of diseased and abnormal functioning and conditions, and so perverts the action of the Principle of Health, causing diseased and abnormal functioning and conditions within his own body. In the Original Substance there are held only the thoughts of perfect motion; perfect and healthy function; complete life. God never thinks disease or imperfection. But for countless ages men have held thoughts of disease, abnormality, old age, and death; and the perverted functioning resulting from[Pg 21] these thoughts has become a part of the inheritance of the race. Our ancestors have, for many generations, held imperfect ideas concerning human form and functioning; and we begin life with racial sub-conscious impressions of imperfection and disease.

This is not natural, or a part of the plan of nature. The purpose of nature can be nothing else than the perfection of life. This we see from the very nature of life itself. It is the nature of life to continually advance toward more perfect living; advancement is the inevitable result of the very act of living. Increase is always the result of active living; whatever lives must live more and more. The seed, lying in the granary, has life, but it is not living. Put it into the soil and it becomes active, and at once begins to gather to itself from the surrounding substance, and to build a plant form. It will so cause increase that a seed head will be produced containing thirty,[Pg 22] sixty, or a hundred seeds, each having as much life as the first.

Life, by living, increases.

Life cannot live without increasing, and the fundamental impulse of life is to live. It is in response to this fundamental impulse that Original Substance works, and creates. God must live; and he cannot live except as he creates and increases. In multiplying forms, He is moving on to live more.

The universe is a Great Advancing Life, and the purpose of nature is the advancement of life toward perfection; toward perfect functioning. The purpose of nature is perfect health.

The purpose of Nature, so far as man is concerned, is that he should be continuously advancing into more life, and progressing toward perfect life; and that he should live the most complete life possible in his present sphere of action.

This must be so, because That which lives in man is seeking more life.[Pg 23]

Give a little child a pencil and paper, and he begins to draw crude figures; That which lives in him is trying to express Itself in art. Give him a set of blocks, and he will try to build something; That which lives in him is seeking expression in architecture. Seat him at a piano, and he will try to draw harmony from the keys; That which lives in him is trying to express Itself in music. That which lives in man is always seeking to live more; and since man lives most when he is well, the Principle of Nature in him can seek only health. The natural state of man is a state of perfect health; and everything in him, and in nature, tends toward health.

Sickness can have no place in the thought of Original Substance, for it is by its own nature continually impelled toward the fullest and most perfect life; therefore, toward health. Man, as he exists in the thought of the Formless Substance, has perfect health. Disease, which is abnormal or perverted func[Pg 24]tion—motion imperfectly made, or made in the direction of imperfect life—has no place in the thought of the Thinking Stuff.

The Supreme Mind never thinks of disease. Disease was not created or ordained by God, or sent forth from him. It is wholly a product of separate consciousness; of the individual thought of man. God, the Formless Substance, does not see disease, think disease, know disease, or recognize disease. Disease is recognized only by the thought of man; God thinks nothing but health.

From all the foregoing, we see that health is a fact or TRUTH in the original substance from which we are all formed; and that disease is imperfect functioning, resulting from the imperfect thoughts of men, past and present. If man's thoughts of himself had always been those of perfect health, man could not possibly now be otherwise than perfectly healthy.

Man in perfect health is the thought[Pg 25] of Original Substance, and man in imperfect health is the result of his own failure to think perfect health, and to perform the voluntary functions of life in a healthy way. We will here arrange in a syllabus the basic truths of the Science of Being Well:—

There is a Thinking Substance from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. It is the life of All.

The thought of a form in this Substance causes the form; the thought of a motion produces the motion. In relation to man, the thoughts of this Substance are always of perfect functioning and perfect health.

Man is a thinking center, capable of original thought; and his thought has power over his own functioning. By thinking imperfect thoughts he has caused imperfect and perverted functioning; and by performing the voluntary functions of life in a perverted manner, he has assisted in causing disease.

[Pg 26]

If man will think only thoughts of perfect health, he can cause within himself the functioning of perfect health; all the Power of Life will be exerted to assist him. But this healthy functioning will not continue unless man performs the external, or voluntary, functions of living in a healthy manner.

Man's first step must be to learn how to think perfect health; and his second step to learn how to eat, drink, breathe, and sleep in a perfectly healthy way. If man takes these two steps, he will certainly become well, and remain so.

[Pg 27]


Life and Its Organisms.

The human body is the abiding place of an energy which renews it when worn; which eliminates waste or poisonous matter, and which repairs the body when broken or injured. This energy we call life. Life is not generated or produced within the body; it produces the body.

The seed which has been kept in the storehouse for years will grow when planted in the soil; it will produce a plant. But the life in the plant is not generated by its growing; it is the life which makes the plant grow.

The performance of function does not cause life; it is life which causes function to be performed. Life is first; function afterward.

It is life which distinguishes organic[Pg 28] from inorganic matter, but it is not produced after the organization of matter.

Life is the principle or force which causes organization; it builds organisms.



那麼,普遍的生活原則就是人類的健康原則。它是與原始物質合一的。有一種原始的物質可以構成萬物。這種物質是活的,它的生命是生命的原理[第29頁] 宇宙。通過思考這些物質,或者通過思考產生它們的運動和功能,該物質從自身創造了所有形式的有機生活。




他唯一的補救方法是開始正確。他肯定可以做到的。這本書的工作是要講授全部內容[第31頁] 真理,這樣讀這本書的人就知道太多了,不會出錯。



那些通過祈禱和肯定得到醫治的人,也通過某種思考而得到醫治。[第32頁] 言語中沒有治癒的力量。




這種改變的想法伴隨著強烈的虔誠的情感,這種情感滲透到了他們靈魂的最深處,並因此喚醒了健康原理以採取強有力的行動。他們憑著信心聲稱自己已得到醫治,或為自己分配了健康;並出於完全的信念,他們不再思考與疾病有關的自己[第33頁] 僅在健康方面才想到自己。


如果是用藥物治癒的人,則以相同的方式獲得結果。他們有意識或無意識地對用來使他們斷絕與疾病的心理關係並與健康建立心理關係的手段有足夠的信心。[第34頁] 信念可能是無意識的。我們可能對醫學之類的東西有潛意識或近親的信仰,在這種情況下我們在任何程度上都不客觀地相信;這種潛意識的信仰可能足以使健康原理加快建設性活動的速度。許多沒有自覺信仰的人就這樣得到了醫治。許多對這些方法抱有信心的人沒有得到醫治,因為他們沒有自己申請;他們的信仰是普遍的,但並不針對他們自己的情況。






最好的方法是形成一個[第36頁] 自我感覺良好的心理圖像或圖片,想像一個完美強壯和健康的身體;並花足夠的時間考慮這張圖片,使它成為您對自己的習慣性想法。

這聽起來並不容易。它需要花費大量的時間進行冥想,而且並不是所有人都具有足夠的成像能力,可以在一個完美的或理想化的身體中形成自己獨特的心理圖景。就像在《致富的科學》中那樣,更容易形成人們想要擁有的事物的心理形象。因為我們已經看過這些東西或它們的對應物,並且知道它們的外觀;我們可以很容易地從內存中看到它們。但是,我們從來沒有見過一個完美的身體, 很難形成清晰的心理形象。

It is not necessary or essential, however, to have a clear mental image of yourself as you wish to be; it is only essential to form a CONCEPTION of[Pg 37] perfect health, and to relate yourself to it. This Conception of Health is not a mental picture of a particular thing; it is an understanding of health, and carries with it the idea of perfect functioning in every part and organ.

You may TRY to picture yourself as perfect in physique; that helps; and you MUST think of yourself as doing everything in the manner of a perfectly strong and healthy person. You can picture yourself as walking down the street with an erect body and a vigorous stride; you can picture yourself as doing your day's work easily and with surplus vigor, never tired or weak; you can picture in your mind how all things would be done by a person full of health and power, and you can make yourself the central figure in the picture, doing things in just that way. Never think of the ways in which weak or sickly people do things; always think of the way strong people do things. Spend your leisure time in thinking about the[Pg 38] Strong Way, until you have a good conception of it; and always think of yourself in connection with the Strong Way of Doing Things. That is what I mean by having a Conception of Health.

In order to establish perfect functioning in every part, man does not have to study anatomy or physiology, so that he can form a mental image of each separate organ and address himself to it. He does not have to "treat" his liver, his kidneys, his stomach, or his heart. There is one Principle of Health in man, which has control over all the involuntary functions of his life; and the thought of perfect health, impressed upon this Principle, will reach each part and organ. Man's liver is not controlled by a liver-principle, his stomach by a digestive principle, and so on; the Principle of Health is One.

The less you go into the detailed study of physiology, the better for you. Our knowledge of this science is very imperfect, and leads to imperfect thought.[Pg 39] Imperfect thought causes imperfect functioning, which is disease. Let me illustrate: Until quite recently, physiology fixed ten days as the extreme limit of man's endurance without food; it was considered that only in exceptional cases could he survive a longer fast. So the impression became universally disseminated that one who was deprived of food must die in from five to ten days; and numbers of people, when cut off from food by shipwreck, accident, or famine, did die within this period. But the performances of Dr. Tanner, the forty-day faster, and the writings of Dr. Dewey and others on the fasting cure, together with the experiments of numberless people who have fasted from forty to sixty days, have shown that man's ability to live without food is vastly greater than had been supposed. Any person, properly educated, can fast from twenty to forty days with little loss in weight, and often with no apparent loss of strength at all. The people who[Pg 40] starved to death in ten days or less did so because they believed that death was inevitable; an erroneous physiology had given them a wrong thought about themselves. When a man is deprived of food he will die in from ten to fifty days, according to the way he has been taught; or, in other words, according to the way he thinks about it. So you see that an erroneous physiology can work very mischievous results.

No Science of Being Well can be founded on current physiology; it is not sufficiently exact in its knowledge. With all its pretensions, comparatively little is really known as to the interior workings and processes of the body. It is not known just how food is digested; it is not known just what part food plays, if any, in the generation of force. It is not known exactly what the liver, spleen, and pancreas are for, or what part their secretions play in the chemistry of assimilation. On all these and most other points we theorize, but we do not[Pg 41] really know. When man begins to study physiology, he enters the domain of theory and disputation; he comes among conflicting opinions, and he is bound to form mistaken ideas concerning himself. These mistaken ideas lead to the thinking of wrong thoughts, and this leads to perverted functioning and disease. All that the most perfect knowledge of physiology could do for man would be to enable him to think only thoughts of perfect health, and to eat, drink, breathe, and sleep in a perfectly healthy way; and this, as we shall show, he can do without studying physiology at all.

This, for the most part, is true of all hygiene. There are certain fundamental propositions which we should know; and these will be explained in later chapters, but aside from these propositions, ignore physiology and hygiene. They tend to fill your mind with thoughts of imperfect conditions, and these thoughts will produce the im[Pg 42]perfect conditions in your own body. You cannot study any "science" which recognizes disease, if you are to think nothing but health.

Drop all investigation as to your present condition, its causes, or possible results, and set yourself to the work of forming a conception of health.

Think about health and the possibilities of health; of the work that may be done and the pleasures that may be enjoyed in a condition of perfect health. Then make this conception your guide in thinking of yourself; refuse to entertain for an instant any thought of yourself which is not in harmony with it. When any idea of disease or imperfect functioning enters your mind, cast it out instantly by calling up a thought which is in harmony with the Conception of Health.

Think of yourself at all times as realizing conception; as being a strong and perfectly healthy personage; and do not harbor a contrary thought.[Pg 43]

KNOW that as you think of yourself in unity with this conception, the Original Substance which permeates and fills the tissues of your body is taking form according to the thought; and know that this Intelligent Substance or mind stuff will cause function to be performed in such a way that your body will be rebuilt with perfectly healthy cells.

The Intelligent Substance, from which all things are made, permeates and penetrates all things; and so it is in and through your body. It moves according to its thoughts; and so if you hold only the thoughts of perfectly healthy function, it will cause the movements of perfectly healthy function within you.

Hold with persistence to the thought of perfect health in relation to yourself; do not permit yourself to think in any other way. Hold this thought with perfect faith that it is the fact, the truth. It is the truth so far as your mental body is concerned. You have a mind-[Pg 44]body and a physical body; the mind-body takes form just as you think of yourself, and any thought which you hold continuously is made visible by the transformation of the physical body into its image. Implanting the thought of perfect functioning in the mind-body will, in due time, cause perfect functioning in the physical body.

The transformation of the physical body into the image of the ideal held by the mind-body is not accomplished instantaneously; we cannot transfigure our physical bodies at will as Jesus did. In the creation and recreation of forms, Substance moves along the fixed lines of growth it has established; and the impression upon it of the health thought causes the healthy body to be built cell by cell. Holding only thoughts of perfect health will ultimately cause perfect functioning; and perfect functioning will in due time produce a perfectly healthy body. It may be as well to condense this chapter into a syllabus:—[Pg 45]

Your physical body is permeated and fitted with an Intelligent Substance, which forms a body of mind-stuff. This mind-stuff controls the functioning of your physical body. A thought of disease or of imperfect function, impressed upon the mind-stuff, causes disease or imperfect functioning in the physical body. If you are diseased, it is because wrong thoughts have made impressions on this mind-stuff; these may have been either your own thoughts or those of your parents; we begin life with many sub-conscious impressions, both right and wrong. But the natural tendency of all mind is toward health, and if no thoughts are held in the conscious mind save those of health, all internal functioning will come to be performed in a perfectly healthy manner.

The Power of Nature within you is sufficient to overcome all hereditary impressions, and if you will learn to control your thoughts, so that you shall think only those of health, and if you will perform the voluntary functions of life in a perfectly healthy way, you can certainly be well.

[Pg 46]



The Principle of Health is moved by Faith; nothing else can call it into action, and only faith can enable you to relate yourself to health, and sever your relation with disease, in your thoughts.

You will continue to think of disease unless you have faith in health. If you do not have faith you will doubt; if you doubt, you will fear; and if you fear, you will relate yourself in mind to that which you fear.

If you fear disease, you will think of yourself in connection with disease; and that will produce within yourself the form and motions of disease. Just as Original Substance creates from itself the forms of its thoughts, so your mind-body, which is original substance,[Pg 47] takes the form and motion of whatever you think about. If you fear disease, dread disease, have doubts about your safety from disease, or if you even contemplate disease, you will connect yourself with it and create its forms and motions within you.

Let me enlarge somewhat upon this point. The potency, or creative power, of a thought is given to it by the faith that is in it.

Thoughts which contain no faith create no forms.

The Formless Substance, which knows all truth and therefore thinks only truth, has perfect faith in every thought, because it thinks only truth; and so all its thoughts create.

But if you will imagine a thought in Formless Substance in which there was no faith, you will see that such a thought could not cause the Substance to move or take form.

Keep in mind the fact that only those thoughts which are conceived in faith[Pg 48] have creative energy. Only those thoughts which have faith with them are able to change function, or to quicken the Principle of Health into activity.

If you do not have faith in health, you will certainly have faith in disease. If you do not have faith in health, it will do you no good to think about health, for your thoughts will have no potency, and will cause no change for the better in your conditions. If you do not have faith in health, I repeat, you will have faith in disease; and if, under such conditions, you think about health for ten hours a day, and think about disease for only a few minutes, the disease thought will control your condition because it will have the potency of faith, while the health thought will not. Your mind-body will take on the form and motions of disease and retain them, because your health thought will not have sufficient dynamic force to change form or motion.[Pg 49]

In order to practice the Science of Being Well, you must have complete faith in health.

Faith begins in belief; and we now come to the question: What must you believe in order to have faith in health?

You must believe that there is more health-power than disease-power in both yourself and your environment; and you cannot help believing this if you consider the facts. These are the facts:—

There is a Thinking Substance from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe.

The thought of a form, in this Substance, produces the form; the thought of a motion institutes the motion. In relation to man, the thoughts of Original Substance are always of perfect health and perfect functioning. This Substance, within and without man, always exerts its power toward health.

Man is a thinking center, capable of original thought. He has a mind-body [Pg 50]of Original Substance permeating a physical body; and the functioning of his physical body is determined by the FAITH of his mind-body. If man thinks with faith of the functioning of health, he will cause his internal functions to be performed in a healthy manner, provided that he performs the external functions in a corresponding manner. But if man thinks, with faith, of disease, or of the power of disease, he will cause his internal functioning to be the functioning of disease.

The Original Intelligent Substance is in man, moving toward health; and it is pressing upon him from every side. Man lives, moves, and has his being in a limitless ocean of health-power; and he uses this power according to his faith. If he appropriates it and applies it to himself it is all his; and if he unifies himself with it by unquestioning faith, he cannot fail to attain health, for the power of this Substance is all the power there is.

A belief in the above statements is a foundation for faith in health. If you believe them, you believe that health is[Pg 51] the natural state of man, and that man lives in the midst of Universal Health; that all the power of nature makes for health, and that health is possible to all, and can surely be attained by all. You will believe that the power of health in the universe is ten thousand times greater than that of disease; in fact, that disease has no power whatever, being only the result of perverted thought and faith. And if you believe that health is possible to you, and that it may surely be attained by you, and that you know exactly what to do in order to attain it, you will have faith in health. You will have this faith and knowledge if you read this book through with care and determine to believe in and practice its teachings.

It is not merely the possession of faith, but the personal application of faith which works healing. You must claim health in the beginning, and form a conception of health, and, as far as may be, of yourself as a perfectly[Pg 52] healthy person; and then, by faith, you must claim that you ARE REALIZING this conception.

Do not assert with faith that you are going to get well; assert with faith that you ARE well.

Having faith in health, and applying it to yourself, means having faith that you are healthy; and the first step in this is to claim that it is the truth.

Mentally take the attitude of being well, and do not say anything or do anything which contradicts this attitude. Never speak a word or assume a physical attitude which does not harmonize with the claim: "I am perfectly well." When you walk, go with a brisk step, and with your chest thrown out and your head held up; watch that at all times your physical actions and attitudes are those of a healthy person. When you find that you have relapsed into the attitude of weakness or disease, change instantly; straighten up; think of health and power. Refuse to consider[Pg 53] yourself as other than a perfectly healthy person.

One great aid—perhaps the greatest aid—in applying your faith you will find in the exercise of gratitude.

Whenever you think of yourself, or of your advancing condition, give thanks to the Great Intelligent Substance for the perfect health you are enjoying.

Remember that, as Swedenborg taught, there is a continual inflow of life from the Supreme, which is received by all created things according to their forms; and by man according to his faith. Health from God is continually being urged upon you; and when you think of this, lift up your mind reverently to Him, and give thanks that you have been led to the Truth and into perfect health of mind and body. Be, all the time, in a grateful frame of mind, and let gratitude be evident in your speech.

Gratitude will help you to own and control your own field of thought.[Pg 54]

Whenever the thought of disease is presented to you, instantly claim health, and thank God for the perfect health you have. Do this so that there shall be no room in your mind for a thought of ill. Every thought connected in any way with ill health is unwelcome, and you can close the door of your mind in its face by asserting that you are well, and by reverently thanking God that it is so. Soon the old thoughts will return no more.

Gratitude has a twofold effect; it strengthens your own faith, and it brings you into close and harmonious relations with the Supreme. You believe that there is one Intelligent Substance from which all life and all power come; you believe that you receive your own life from this substance; and you relate yourself closely to It by feeling continuous gratitude. It is easy to see that the more closely you relate yourself to the Source of Life the more readily you may receive life from it; and it is easy[Pg 55] also to see that your relation to It is a matter of mental attitude. We cannot come into physical relationship with God, for God is mind-stuff and we also are mind-stuff; our relation with Him must therefore be a mind relation. It is plain, then, that the man who feels deep and hearty gratitude will live in closer touch with God than the man who never looks up to Him in thankfulness. The ungrateful or unthankful mind really denies that it receives at all, and so cuts its connection with the Supreme. The grateful mind is always looking toward the Supreme, and is always open to receive from it; and it will receive continually.

The Principle of Health in man receives its vital power from the Principle of Life in the universe; and man relates himself to the Principle of Life by faith in health, and by gratitude for the health he receives.

Man may cultivate both faith and gratitude by the proper use of his will.

[Pg 56]


Use of the Will.

In the practice of the Science of Being Well the will is not used to compel yourself to go when you are not really able to go, or to do things when you are not physically strong enough to do them. You do not direct your will upon your physical body or try to compel the proper performance of internal function by will power.

You direct the will upon the mind, and use it in determining what you shall believe, what you shall think, and to what you shall give your attention.

The will should never be used upon any person or thing external to you, and it should never be used upon your own body. The sole legitimate use of the will is in determining to what you shall give your attention, and what you shall think[Pg 57] about the things to which your attention is given.

All belief begins in the will to believe.

You cannot always and instantly believe what you will to believe; but you can always will to believe what you want to believe. You want to believe truth about health, and you can will to do so. The statements you have been reading in this book are the truth about health, and you can will to believe them; this must be your first step toward getting well.

These are the statements you must will to believe:—

That there is a Thinking Substance from which all things are made, and that man receives the Principle of Health, which is his life, from this Substance.

That man himself is Thinking Substance; a mind-body, permeating a physical body, and that as man's thoughts are, so will the functioning of his physical body be.

That if man will think only thoughts [Pg 58]of perfect health, he must and will cause the internal and involuntary functioning of his body to be the functioning of health, provided that his external and voluntary functioning and attitude are in accordance with his thoughts.

When you will to believe these statements, you must also begin to act upon them. You cannot long retain a belief unless you act upon it; you cannot increase a belief until it becomes faith unless you act upon it; and you certainly cannot expect to reap benefits in any way from a belief so long as you act as if the opposite were true. You cannot long have faith in health if you continue to act like a sick person. If you continue to act like a sick person, you cannot help continuing to think of yourself as a sick person; and if you continue to think of yourself as a sick person, you will continue to be a sick person.

The first step toward acting externally like a well person is to begin to act internally like a well person. Form[Pg 59] your conception of perfect health, and get into the way of thinking about perfect health until it begins to have a definite meaning to you. Picture yourself as doing the things a strong and healthy person would do, and have faith that you can and will do those things in that way; continue this until you have a vivid CONCEPTION of health, and what it means to you. When I speak in this book of a conception of health, I mean a conception that carries with it the idea of the way a healthy person looks and does things. Think of yourself in connection with health until you form a conception of how you would live, appear, act, and do things as a perfectly healthy person. Think about yourself in connection with health until you conceive of yourself, in imagination, as always doing everything in the manner of a well person; until the thought of health conveys the idea of what health means to you. As I have said in a former chapter, you may not be able to[Pg 60] form a clear mental image of yourself in perfect health, but you can form a conception of yourself as acting like a healthy person.

Form this conception, and then think only thoughts of perfect health in relation to yourself, and, so far as may be possible, in relation to others. When a thought of sickness or disease is presented to you, reject it; do not let it get into your mind; do not entertain or consider it at all. Meet it by thinking health; by thinking that you are well, and by being sincerely grateful for the health you are receiving. Whenever suggestions of disease are coming thick and fast upon you, and you are in a "tight place," fall back upon the exercise of gratitude. Connect yourself with the Supreme; give thanks to God for the perfect health He gives you, and you will soon find yourself able to control your thoughts, and to think what you want to think. In times of doubt, trial, and temptation, the exercise of[Pg 61] gratitude is always a sheet anchor which will prevent you from being swept away. Remember that the great essential thing is to SEVER ALL MENTAL RELATIONS WITH DISEASE, AND TO ENTER INTO FULL MENTAL RELATIONSHIP WITH HEALTH. This is the KEY to all mental healing; it is the whole thing. Here we see the secret of the great success of Christian Science; more than any other formulated system of practice, it insists that its converts shall sever relations with disease, and relate themselves fully with health. The healing power of Christian Science is not in its theological formulæ, nor in its denial of matter; but in the fact that it induces the sick to ignore disease as an unreal thing and accept health by faith as a reality. Its failures are made because its practitioners, while thinking in the Certain Way, do not eat, drink, breathe, and sleep in the same way.

雖然沒有治癒的力量[第62頁] 重複使用字符串,但是將中心思想如此表述,以便您可以輕鬆地重複它們,以便在周圍有不利建議的環境中使用時,可以將它們用作肯定,這是非常方便的事情。當周圍的人開始談論疾病和死亡時,請閉上耳朵,並在心理上斷言以下內容:















我將在這裡提供一章,以解釋人如何從至高無上的身體中獲得健康。至高無上,我指的是思考的物質,萬物是從萬物製造的,萬物是萬有的,尋求更完整的表達和更充實的生活。這種智能物質處於完全流動的狀態,滲透並滲透到所有事物中,並與所有人保持聯繫。它是所有能量和力量的來源,並且構成了瑞典堡所看到的生命的“流入”,使萬物充滿活力。它正在為某一目的而努力,並且為實現一個目的而努力;這個目的是為了朝著完整表達心靈的方向前進。當人將自己與這種智力相協調時,[第66頁] 它可以並且將給他健康和智慧。當人類穩定地追求更富裕的生活的目的時,他就與這一至高智商融為一體。


首先,您將獲得智慧。智慧,我並不是說要了解事實,而是要具備感知和理解事實,在所有與之相關的事情上做出明智判斷和正確行事的能力。[第67頁] 生活。智慧是感知真理的力量,是善用真理知識的能力。它是立即感知到最佳目標的力量,並且是達到該目標的最佳方法。智慧帶來平衡,而正確思考的能力也隨之而來。控制和引導您的思想,避免因錯誤的思想而帶來的困難。憑藉智慧,您將能夠根據自己的特定需求選擇正確的課程,並以各種方式進行管理,以確保取得最佳結果。您將知道如何去做自己想做的事。您可以很容易地看到,智慧必須是至高智商的基本屬性,因為知道所有真理的知識必須是明智的。而且您還可以看到,與智能相協調和統一時,您將擁有智慧。

但我重複一遍,因為這種情報就是全部,總而言之,您可以輸入[第68頁] 只有與所有人融為一體,才能將其轉化為智慧。如果您的慾望或目的中有任何事情會給任何人帶來壓迫,為任何人造成不公正待遇或使他們失去生命,那麼您就不會從至高無上的智慧中得到幫助。此外,您自己的目標必須是最好的。

人可以以三種普遍的方式生活:為了滿足自己的身體,為了自己的智力或為了自己的靈魂。首先是通過滿足對食物,飲料和其他令人愉悅的身體感覺的需求來實現的。第二種是通過做那些引起愉悅的心理感覺的事情來實現的,例如滿足對知識的渴望或對精美服裝,名望,權力等的渴望。第三是通過讓位於無私的愛和利他主義的本能來實現的。當人類在所有這些方面都發揮最完美的作用,而其中任何一項都不過分時,人類將最明智,最完整地生活。[第69頁] 一個光鮮活潑的人,僅靠身體,就不明智,與上帝不和諧。僅僅為了理智的冷淡生活而活的人,儘管他絕對道德,卻是不明智的,與上帝不和諧;完全依靠利他主義為生而又捨棄他人的人,與那些以其他方式過分屈服的人一樣,是不明智的,與上帝的和諧相去甚遠。

To come into full harmony with the Supreme, you must purpose to LIVE; to live to the utmost of your capabilities in body, mind, and soul. This must mean the full exercise of function in all the different ways, but without excess; for excess in one causes deficiency in the others. Behind your desire for health is your own desire for more abundant life; and behind that is the desire of the Formless Intelligence to live more fully in you. So, as you advance toward perfect health, hold steadily to the purpose to attain complete life, physical,[Pg 70] mental, and spiritual; to advance in all ways, and in every way to live more; if you hold this purpose you will be given wisdom. "He that willeth to do the will of the Father shall KNOW," said Jesus. Wisdom is the most desirable gift that can come to man, for it makes him rightly self-governing.

But wisdom is not all you may receive from the Supreme Intelligence; you may receive physical energy, vitality, life force. The energy of the Formless Substance is unlimited, and permeates everything; you are already receiving or appropriating to yourself this energy in an automatic and instinctive way, but you can do so to a far greater degree if you set about it intelligently. The measure of a man's strength is not what God is willing to give him, but what he, himself, has the will and the intelligence to appropriate to himself. God gives you all there is; your only question is how much to take of the unlimited supply.[Pg 71]

Professor James has pointed out that there is apparently no limit to the powers of men; and this is simply because man's power comes from the inexhaustible reservoir of the Supreme. The runner who has reached the stage of exhaustion, when his physical power seems entirely gone, by running on in a Certain Way may receive his "second wind"; his strength is renewed in a seemingly miraculous fashion, and he can go on indefinitely. And by continuing in the Certain Way, he may receive a third, fourth, and fifth "wind"; we do not know where the limit is, or how far it may be possible to extend it. The conditions are that the runner must have absolute faith that the strength will come; that he must think steadily of strength, and have perfect confidence that he has it, and that he must continue to run on. If he admits a doubt into his mind, he falls exhausted, and if he stops running to wait for the accession of strength, it will never come. His[Pg 72] faith in strength, his faith that he can keep on running, his unwavering purpose to keep on running, and his action in keeping on seem to connect him to the source of energy in such a way as to bring him a new supply.

In a very similar manner, the sick person who has unquestioning faith in health, whose purpose brings him into harmony with the source, and who performs the voluntary functions of life in a certain way, will receive vital energy sufficient for all his needs, and for the healing of all his diseases. God, who seeks to live and express himself fully in man, delights to give man all that is needed for the most abundant life. Action and reaction are equal, and when you desire to live more, if you are in mental harmony with the Supreme, the forces which make for life begin to concentrate about you and upon you. The One Life begins to move toward you, and your environment becomes surcharged with it. Then, if you appropriate it by faith,[Pg 73] it is yours. "Ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you." Your Father giveth not his spirit by measure; he delights to give good gifts to you.

[Pg 74]


Summary of the Mental Actions.

Let me now summarize the mental actions and attitudes necessary to the practice of the Science of Being Well: first, you believe that there is a Thinking Substance, from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. This Substance is the Life of All, and is seeking to express more life in all. It is the Principle of Life of the universe, and the Principle of Health in man.

Man is a form of this Substance, and draws his vitality from it; he is a mind-body of original substance, permeating a physical body, and the thoughts of his mind-body control the functioning of his physical body. If man thinks no[Pg 75] thoughts save those of perfect health, the functions of his physical body will be performed in a manner of perfect health.

If you would consciously relate yourself to the All-Health, your purpose must be to live fully on every plane of your being. You must want all that there is in life for body, mind, and soul; and this will bring you into harmony with all the life there is. The person who is in conscious and intelligent harmony with All will receive a continuous inflow of vital power from the Supreme Life; and this inflow is prevented by angry, selfish or antagonistic mental attitudes. If you are against any part, you have severed relations with all; you will receive life, but only instinctively and automatically; not intelligently and purposefully. You can see that if you are mentally antagonistic to any part, you cannot be in complete harmony with the Whole; therefore, as Jesus directed, be reconciled to everybody[Pg 76] and everything before you offer worship.

Want for everybody all that you want for yourself.

The reader is recommended to read what we have said in a former work[A] concerning the Competitive mind and the Creative mind. It is very doubtful whether one who has lost health can completely regain it so long as he remains in the competitive mind.

[A]The Science of Getting Rich.

Being on the Creative or Good-Will plane in mind, the next step is to form a conception of yourself as in perfect health, and to hold no thoughts which are not in full harmony with this conception. Have FAITH that if you think only thoughts of health you will establish in your physical body the functioning of health; and use your will to determine that you will think only thoughts of health. Never think of yourself as sick, or as likely to be sick; never think of sickness in connection [Pg 77]with yourself at all. And, as far as may be, shut out of your mind all thoughts of sickness in connection with others. Surround yourself as much as possible with the things which suggest the ideas of strength and health.

Have faith in health, and accept health as an actual present fact in your life. Claim health as a blessing bestowed upon you by the Supreme Life, and be deeply grateful at all times. Claim the blessing by faith; know that it is yours, and never admit a contrary thought to your mind.

Use your will-power to withhold your attention from every appearance of disease in yourself and others; do not study disease, think about it, nor speak of it. At all times, when the thought of disease is thrust upon you, move forward into the mental position of prayerful gratitude for your perfect health.

The mental actions necessary to being well may now be summed up in a single sentence: Form a conception of your[Pg 78]self in perfect health, and think only those thoughts which are in harmony with that conception.

That, with faith and gratitude, and the purpose to really live, covers all the requirements. It is not necessary to take mental exercises of any kind, except as described in Chapter VI, or to do wearying "stunts" in the way of affirmations, and so on. It is not necessary to concentrate the mind on the affected parts; it is far better not to think of any part as affected. It is not necessary to "treat" yourself by auto-suggestion, or to have others treat you in any way whatever. The power that heals is the Principle of Health within you; and to call this Principle into Constructive Action it is only necessary, having harmonized yourself with the All-Mind, to claim by FAITH the All-Health; and to hold that claim until it is physically manifested in all the functions of your body.

In order to hold this mental attitude[Pg 79] of faith, gratitude, and health, however, your external acts must be only those of health. You cannot long hold the internal attitude of a well person if you continue to perform the external acts of a sick person. It is essential not only that your every thought should be a thought of health, but that your every act should be an act of health, performed in a healthy manner. If you will make every thought a thought of health, and every conscious act an act of health, it must infallibly follow that every internal and unconscious function shall come to be healthy; for all the power of life is being continually exerted toward health. We shall next consider how you may make every act an act of health.

[Pg 80]


When to Eat.

You cannot build and maintain a perfectly healthy body by mental action alone, or by the performance of the unconscious or involuntary functions alone. There are certain actions, more or less voluntary, which have a direct and immediate relation with the continuance of life itself; these are eating, drinking, breathing, and sleeping. No matter what man's thought or mental attitude may be, he cannot live unless he eats, drinks, breathes, and sleeps; and, moreover, he cannot be well if he eats, drinks, breathes, and sleeps in an unnatural or wrong manner. It is therefore vitally important that you should learn the right way to perform these voluntary functions, and I shall proceed to show[Pg 81] you this way, beginning with the matter of eating, which is most important.

There has been a vast amount of controversy as to when to eat, what to eat, how to eat, and how much to eat; and all this controversy is unnecessary, for the Right Way is very easy to find. You have only to consider the Law which governs all attainment, whether of health, wealth, power, or happiness; and that law is that you must do what you can do now, where you are now; do every separate act in the most perfect manner possible, and put the power of faith into every action.

The processes of digestion and assimilation are under the supervision and control of an inner division of man's mentality, which is generally called the sub-conscious mind; and I shall use that term here in order to be understood. The sub-conscious mind is in charge of all the functions and processes of life; and when more food is needed by the body, it makes the fact known by caus[Pg 82]ing a sensation called hunger. Whenever food is needed, and can be used, there is hunger; and whenever there is hunger it is time to eat. When there is no hunger it is unnatural and wrong to eat, no matter how great may APPEAR to be the need for food. Even if you are in a condition of apparent starvation, with great emaciation, if there is no hunger you may know that FOOD CANNOT BE USED, and it will be unnatural and wrong for you to eat. Though you have not eaten for days, weeks, or months, if you have no hunger you may be perfectly sure that food cannot be used, and will probably not be used if taken. Whenever food is needed, if there is power to digest and assimilate it, so that it can be normally used, the sub-conscious mind will announce the fact by a decided hunger. Food, taken when there is no hunger, will sometimes be digested and assimilated, because Nature makes a special effort to[Pg 83] perform the task which is thrust upon her against her will; but if food be habitually taken when there is no hunger, the digestive power is at last destroyed, and numberless evils caused.

If the foregoing be true—and it is indisputably so—it is a self-evident proposition that the natural time, and the healthy time, to eat is when one is hungry; and that it is never a natural or a healthy action to eat when one is not hungry. You see, then, that it is an easy matter to scientifically settle the question when to eat. ALWAYS eat when you are hungry; and NEVER eat when you are not hungry. This is obedience to nature, which is obedience to God.

We must not fail, however, to make clear the distinction between hunger and appetite. Hunger is the call of the sub-conscious mind for more material to be used in repairing and renewing the body, and in keeping up the internal heat; and hunger is never felt unless[Pg 84] there is need for more material, and unless there is power to digest it when taken into the stomach. Appetite is a desire for the gratification of sensation. The drunkard has an appetite for liquor, but he cannot have a hunger for it. A normally fed person cannot have a hunger for candy or sweets; the desire for these things is an appetite. You cannot hunger for tea, coffee, spiced foods, or for the various taste-tempting devices of the skilled cook; if you desire these things, it is with appetite, not with hunger. Hunger is nature's call for material to be used in building new cells, and nature never calls for anything which may not be legitimately used for this purpose.

Appetite is often largely a matter of habit; if one eats or drinks at a certain hour, and especially if one takes sweetened or spiced and stimulating foods, the desire comes regularly at the same hour; but this habitual desire for food should never be mistaken for hunger.[Pg 85] Hunger does not appear at specified times. It only comes when work or exercise has destroyed sufficient tissue to make the taking in of new raw material a necessity.

For instance, if a person has been sufficiently fed on the preceding day, it is impossible that he should feel a genuine hunger on arising from refreshing sleep. In sleep the body is recharged with vital power, and the assimilation of the food which has been taken during the day is completed; the system has no need for food immediately after sleep, unless the person went to his rest in a state of starvation. With a system of feeding, which is even a reasonable approach to a natural one, no one can have a real hunger for an early morning breakfast. There is no such thing possible as a normal or genuine hunger immediately after arising from sound sleep. The early morning breakfast is always taken to gratify appetite, never to satisfy hunger. No matter who you[Pg 86] are, or what your condition is; no matter how hard you work, or how much you are exposed, unless you go to your bed starved, you cannot arise from your bed hungry.

Hunger is not caused by sleep, but by work. And it does not matter who you are, or what your condition, or how hard or easy your work, the so-called no-breakfast plan is the right plan for you. It is the right plan for everybody, because it is based on the universal law that hunger never comes until it is EARNED.

I am aware that a protest against this will come from the large number of people who "enjoy" their breakfasts; whose breakfast is their "best meal"; who believe that their work is so hard that they cannot "get through the forenoon on an empty stomach," and so on. But all their arguments fall down before the facts. They enjoy their breakfast as the toper enjoys his morning dram, because it gratifies a habitual[Pg 87] appetite and not because it supplies a natural want. It is their best meal for the same reason that his morning dram is the toper's best drink. And they CAN get along without it, because millions of people, of every trade and profession, DO get along without it, and are vastly better for doing so. If you are to live according to the Science of Being Well, you must NEVER EAT UNTIL YOU HAVE AN EARNED HUNGER.

But if I do not eat on arising in the morning, when shall I take my first meal?

In ninety-nine cases out of a hundred twelve o'clock, noon, is early enough; and it is generally the most convenient time. If you are doing heavy work, you will get by noon a hunger sufficient to justify a good-sized meal; and if your work is light, you will probably still have hunger enough for a moderate meal. The best general rule or law that can be laid down is that you should[Pg 88] eat your first meal of the day at noon, if you are hungry; and if you are not hungry, wait until you become so.

And when shall I eat my second meal?

Not at all, unless you are hungry for it; and that with a genuine earned hunger. If you do get hungry for a second meal, eat at the most convenient time; but do not eat until you have a really earned hunger. The reader who wishes to fully inform himself as to the reasons for this way of arranging the mealtimes will find the best books thereon cited in the preface to this work. From the foregoing, however, you can easily see that the Science of Being Well readily answers the question: When, and how often shall I eat? The answer is: Eat when you have an earned hunger; and never eat at any other time.

[Pg 89]


What To Eat.

The current sciences of medicine and hygiene have made no progress toward answering the question, What shall I eat? The contests between the vegetarians and the meat eaters, the cooked food advocates, raw food advocates, and various other "schools" of theorists, seem to be interminable; and from the mountains of evidence and argument piled up for and against each special theory, it is plain that if we depend on these scientists we shall never know what is the natural food of man. Turning away from the whole controversy, then, we will ask the question of nature herself, and we shall find that she has not left us without an answer.

Most of the errors of dietary scien[Pg 90]tists grow out of a false premise as to the natural state of man. It is assumed that civilization and mental development are unnatural things; that the man who lives in a modern house, in city or country, and who works in modern trade or industry for his living is leading an unnatural life, and is in an unnatural environment; that the only "natural" man is a naked savage, and that the farther we get from the savage the farther we are from nature. This is wrong. The man who has all that art and science can give him is leading the most natural life, because he is living most completely in all his faculties. The dweller in a well-appointed city flat, with modern conveniences and good ventilation, is living a far more naturally human life than the Australian savage who lives in a hollow tree or a hole in the ground.

That Great Intelligence, which is in all and through all, has in reality practically settled the question as to what[Pg 91] we shall eat. In ordering the affairs of nature, It has decided that man's food shall be according to the zone in which he lives. In the frigid regions of the far North, fuel foods are required. The development of brain is not large, nor is the life severe in its labor-tax on muscle; and so the Esquimaux live largely on the blubber and fat of aquatic animals. No other diet is possible to them; they could not get fruits, nuts, or vegetables even if they were disposed to eat them; and they could not live on them in that climate if they could get them. So, notwithstanding the arguments of the vegetarians, the Esquimaux will continue to live on animal fats.

On the other hand, as we come toward the tropics, we find fuel foods less required; and we find the people naturally inclining toward a vegetarian diet. Millions live on rice and fruits; and the food regimen of an Esquimaux village, if followed upon the equator, would re[Pg 92]sult in speedy death. A "natural" diet for the equatorial regions would be very far from being a natural diet near the North Pole; and the people of either zone, if not interfered with by medical or dietary "scientists," will be guided by the All Intelligence, which seeks the fullest life in all, to feed themselves in the best way for the promotion of perfect health. In general, you can see that God, working in nature and in the evolution of human society and customs, has answered your question as to what you shall eat; and I advise you to take His answer in preference to that of any man.

In the temperate zone the largest demands are made on man in spirit, mind, and body; and here we find the greatest variety of foods provided by nature. And it is really quite useless and superfluous to theorize on the question what the masses shall eat, for they have no choice; they must eat the foods which are staple products of the zone in which[Pg 93] they live. It is impossible to supply all the people with a nut-and-fruit or raw food diet; and the fact that it is impossible is proof positive that these are not the foods intended by nature, for nature, being formed for the advancement of life, has not made the obtaining of the means of life an impossibility. So, I say, the question, What shall I eat? has been answered for you. Eat wheat, corn, rye, oats, barley, buckwheat; eat vegetables; eat meats, eat fruits, eat the things that are eaten by the masses of the people around the world, for in this matter the voice of the people is the voice of God. They have been led, generally, to the selection of certain foods; and they have been led, generally, to prepare these foods in generally similar ways; and you may depend upon it that in general they have the right foods and are preparing them in the right way. In these matters the race has been under the guidance of God. The list of foods in common use is a long one, and you[Pg 94] must select therefrom according to your individual taste; if you do, you will find that you have an infallible guide, as shown in the next two chapters.

If you do not eat until you have an EARNED hunger, you will not find your taste demanding unnatural or unhealthy foods. The woodchopper, who has swung his axe continuously from seven in the morning until noon does not come in clamoring for cream puffs and confectionery; he wants pork and beans, or beefsteak and potatoes, or corn bread and cabbage; he asks for the plain solids. Offer to crack him a few walnuts and give him a plate of lettuce, and you will be met with huge disdain; those things are not natural foods for a workingman. And if they are not natural foods for a workingman, they are not for any other man; for work hunger is the only real hunger, and requires the same materials to satisfy it, whether it be in woodchopper or banker, in man, woman or child.[Pg 95]

It is a mistake to suppose that food must be selected with anxious care to fit the vocation of the person who eats. It is not true that the woodchopper requires "heavy" or "solid" foods and the bookkeeper "light" foods. If you are a bookkeeper, or other brain worker, and do not eat until you have an EARNED hunger, you will want exactly the same foods that the woodchopper wants. Your body is made of exactly the same elements as that of the woodchopper, and requires the same materials for cell-building; why, then, feed him on ham and eggs and corn bread and you on crackers and toast? True, most of his waste is of muscle, while most of yours is of brain and nerve tissue; but it is also true that the woodchopper's diet contains all the requisites for brain and nerve building in far better proportions than they are found in most "light" foods. The world's best brain work has been done on the fare of the working people. The world's[Pg 96] greatest thinkers have invariably lived on the plain solid foods common among the masses.

Let the bookkeeper wait until he has an earned hunger before he eats; and then, if he wants ham, eggs, and corn bread, by all means let him eat them; but let him remember that he does not need one-twentieth of the amount necessary for the woodchopper. It is not eating "hearty" foods which gives the brain worker indigestion; it is eating as much as would be needed by a muscle worker. Indigestion is never caused by eating to satisfy hunger; it is always caused by eating to gratify appetite. If you eat in the manner prescribed in the next chapter, your taste will soon become so natural that you will never WANT anything that you cannot eat with impunity; and you can drop the whole anxious question of what to eat from your mind forever, and simply eat what you want. Indeed, that is the only way to do if you are to think no[Pg 97] thoughts but those of health; for you cannot think health so long as you are in continual doubt and uncertainty as to whether you are getting the right bills of fare.

"Take no thought what ye shall eat," said Jesus, and he spoke wisely. The foods found on the table of any ordinary middle-class or working class family will nourish your body perfectly if you eat at the right times and in the right way. If you want meat, eat it; and if you do not want it, do not eat it, and do not suppose that you must find some special substitute for it. You can live perfectly well on what is left on any table after the meat has been removed.

It is not necessary to worry about a "varied" diet, so as to get in all the necessary elements. The Chinese and Hindus build very good bodies and excellent brains on a diet of few variations, rice making almost the whole of it. The Scotch are physically and men[Pg 98]tally strong on oatmeal cakes; and the Irishman is husky of body and brilliant of mind on potatoes and pork. The wheat berry contains practically all that is necessary for the building of brain and body; and a man can live very well on a monodiet of navy beans.

Form a conception of perfect health for yourself, and do not hold any thought which is not a thought of health.

NEVER eat until you have an EARNED HUNGER. Remember that it will not hurt you in the least to go hungry for a short time; but it will surely hurt you to eat when you are not hungry.

Do not give the least thought to what you should or should not eat; simply eat what is set before you, selecting that which pleases your taste most. In other words, eat what you want. This you can do with perfect results if you eat in the right way; and how to do this will be explained in the next chapter.

[Pg 99]


How to Eat.

It is a settled fact that man naturally chews his food. The few faddists who maintain that we should bolt our nourishment, after the manner of the dog and others of the lower animals, can no longer get a hearing; we know that we should chew our food. And if it is natural that we should chew our food, the more thoroughly we chew it the more completely natural the process must be. If you will chew every mouthful to a liquid, you need not be in the least concerned as to what you shall eat, for you can get sufficient nourishment out of any ordinary food.

Whether or not this chewing shall be an irksome and laborious task or a most enjoyable process, depends upon the[Pg 100] mental attitude in which you come to the table.

If your mind and attitude are on other things, or if you are anxious or worried about business or domestic affairs, you will find it almost impossible to eat without bolting more or less of your food. You must learn to live so scientifically that you will have no business or domestic cares to worry about; this you can do, and you can also learn to give your undivided attention to the act of eating while at the table.

When you eat, do so with an eye single to the purpose of getting all the enjoyment you can from that meal; dismiss everything else from your mind, and do not let anything take your attention from the food and its taste until your meal is finished. Be cheerfully confident, for if you follow these instructions you may KNOW that the food you eat is exactly the right food, and that it will "agree" with you to perfection.[Pg 101]

Sit down to the table with confident cheerfulness, and take a moderate portion of the food; take whatever thing looks most desirable to you. Do not select some food because you think it will be good for you; select that which will taste good to you. If you are to get well and stay well, you must drop the idea of doing things because they are good for your health, and do things because you want to do them. Select the food you want most; gratefully give thanks to God that you have learned how to eat it in such a way that digestion shall be perfect; and take a moderate mouthful of it.

Do not fix your attention on the act of chewing; fix it on the TASTE of the food; and taste and enjoy it until it is reduced to a liquid state and passes down your throat by involuntary swallowing. No matter how long it takes, do not think of the time. Think of the taste. Do not allow your eyes to wander over the table, speculating as to what[Pg 102] you shall eat next; do not worry for fear there is not enough, and that you will not get your share of everything. Do not anticipate the taste of the next thing; keep your mind centered on the taste of what you have in your mouth. And that is all of it.


在大多數情況下,需要使用遺囑來養成正確飲食的習慣。抽煙的習慣是不自然的,毫無疑問,這主要是恐懼的結果。擔心我們的食物會被搶劫;擔心我們不會分享美好的事物;擔心我們會浪費寶貴的時間,這些都是匆忙的原因。然後就可以預見到[第103頁] 將要甜點,以及隨之而來的渴望盡快到達他們的願望;進食時會有精神上的抽像或思考其他問題。所有這些都必須克服。


這是至關重要的一點,在我將它徹底銘記在你的腦海之前,我決不能放棄它。有了正確的材料,經過精心準備,健康原則將得到積極樹立[第104頁] 您的身體非常健康;而且您無法完美地準備材料 以我所描述的任何其他方式。如果您想擁有完美的健康,則必須以這種方式進食。您可以做到,而這樣做只需要一點毅力。除非您能以不再需要吃飽的簡單事情來控制自己,否則您對心理控制有什麼用?除非您能全神貫注地在短短的十五到二十分鐘內進餐,特別是在品味愉悅的幫助下,專注力有什麼用?繼續征服。視情況而定,在幾週或幾個月內,您會發現養成科學飲食的習慣。不久之後,您將在精神上和身體上處於如此出色的境地,以至於沒有什麼可以誘使您恢復到那條舊路。

我們已經看到,如果人只想到完美健康的思想,他的內部功能將在[第105頁] 健康的方式;我們已經看到,為了思考健康的思想,人必須以健康的方式執行自願性職能。自願活動中最重要的是飲食;到目前為止,我們發現以完全健康的方式進食沒有特別困難。我將在這裡總結有關何時進食,進食以及如何進食的說明,並說明其原因:

無論飢餓多長時間,都不要吃東西,直到餓了為止。這是基於這樣一個事實:只要係統中需要食物,只要有能力消化食物,潛意識就會通過飢餓感宣布需要食物。學會區分真正的飢餓與食慾不振所造成的gna和渴望的感覺。飢餓永遠不會是一種令人不適的感覺,伴隨著胃的虛弱,昏厥或咬人的感覺;這是一個令人愉快的,期待的[第106頁] 對食物的渴望,主要在口腔和咽喉中感覺到。它不是在某些小時或指定的時間間隔到達的;它只有在潛意識已經準備好接收,消化和吸收食物時才會出現。


充滿自信地吃下食物,並從每一口的味道中獲得所有的快樂。將每口食物咀嚼成液體,保持[第107頁] 您的注意力集中在過程的享受上。這是完美,完整,成功地進餐的唯一途徑。當任何事情以完全成功的方式完成時,總的結果就不會失敗。在獲得健康方面,法律與在獲得財富方面是相同的;如果您使每個行為本身都成功,那麼所有行為的總和就必須是成功的。當您以我所描述的精神態度以及我所描述的方式進餐時,此過程將無可奈何。它以完美的方式完成,並且成功完成。如果成功進食,則消化,吸收和健康身體的構建也將成功開始。接下來,我們討論所需食物量的問題。




找到正確的答案很容易,我應該吃多少?除非獲得飢餓,否則您從不吃東西,並且在剛開始感到飢餓有所減輕的那一刻就停止吃東西。永遠不要讓自己陷入困境;永不吃飽。當您開始感到自己的飢餓感得到滿足時,請知道您有足夠的飢餓感。因為直到您吃飽為止,您將繼續感受到飢餓感。如果按照上一章的指示進餐,則在服用平時量的一半之前,您可能會開始感到滿足;但都到那邊停下來 不管甜點有多誘人,或如何吸引餡餅或布丁,都不要吃東西[第109頁]如果您發現自己的飢餓感在某種程度上受到了您所攝取的其他食物的抑制,那麼就足夠了。


這是您需要很好地分辨的一點,因為我們大多數人都根深蒂固地單純為了肉慾滿足而進食的習慣。通常製作甜食和誘人食物的“甜點”,只是為了誘使人們在飢餓得到滿足後進食。所有的影響都是邪惡的。並不是說餅和蛋糕是有害食品。如果食用它們來滿足飢餓,而不是滿足胃口,它們通常會非常有益健康。如果您想吃餡餅,蛋糕,糕點或布丁,最好從它們開始進餐,並以較普通和較不美味的食物結束。你會[第110頁] 但是,如果您按照前幾章的指示進餐,最原始的食物很快就會嘗起來就像您的王室美食;與其他所有感官一樣,您的味覺會隨著您身體狀況的總體改善而變得如此敏銳,以至於您會在普通事物中找到新的樂趣。glut嘴從來沒有像這樣的人享受過這樣的飯菜:只為飢餓而吃,從每口中得到最大的收益,在感覺到飢餓的邊緣的那一刻,stops頓就停止了。飢餓正在減弱的第一個暗示是,潛意識裡的信號表明該是該死的時候了。


If you will consider for a moment, you will see that there is positively no other way for you to settle these various food questions than by adopting the plan here laid down for you. As to the proper time to eat, there is no other way to[Pg 112] decide than to say that you should eat whenever you have an EARNED HUNGER. It is a self-evident proposition that that is the right time to eat, and that any other is a wrong time to eat. As to what to eat, the Eternal Wisdom has decided that the masses of men shall eat the staple products of the zones in which they live. The staple foods of your particular zone are the right foods for you; and the Eternal Wisdom, working in and through the minds of the masses of men, has taught them how best to prepare these foods by cooking and otherwise. And as to how to eat, you know that you must chew your food; and if it must be chewed, then reason tells us that the more thorough and perfect the operation the better.

I repeat that success in anything is attained by making each separate act a success in itself. If you make each action, however small and unimportant, a thoroughly successful action, your[Pg 113] day's work as a whole cannot result in failure. If you make the actions of each day successful, the sum total of your life cannot be failure. A great success is the result of doing a large number of little things, and doing each one in a perfectly successful way. If every thought is a healthy thought, and if every action of your life is performed in a healthy way, you must soon attain to perfect health. It is impossible to devise a way in which you can perform the act of eating more successfully, and in a manner more in accord with the laws of life, than by chewing every mouthful to a liquid, enjoying the taste fully, and keeping a cheerful confidence the while. Nothing can be added to make the process more successful; while if anything be subtracted, the process will not be a completely healthy one.

In the matter of how much to eat, you will also see that there could be no other guide so natural, so safe, and so reliable as the one I have prescribed—to stop[Pg 114] eating on the instant you feel that your hunger begins to abate. The sub-conscious mind may be trusted with implicit reliance to inform us when food is needed; and it may be trusted as implicitly to inform us when the need has been supplied. If ALL food is eaten for hunger, and NO food is taken merely to gratify taste, you will never eat too much; and if you eat whenever you have an EARNED hunger, you will always eat enough. By reading carefully the summing up in the following chapter, you will see that the requirements for eating in a perfectly healthy way are really very few and simple.

The matter of drinking in a natural way may be dismissed here with a very few words. If you wish to be exactly and rigidly scientific, drink nothing but water; drink only when you are thirsty; drink whenever you are thirsty, and stop as soon as you feel that your thirst begins to abate. But if you are living rightly in regard to eating, it will not[Pg 115] be necessary to practice asceticism or great self-denial in the matter of drinking. You can take an occasional cup of weak coffee without harm; you can, to a reasonable extent, follow the customs of those around you. Do not get the soda fountain habit; do not drink merely to tickle your palate with sweet liquids; be sure that you take a drink of water whenever you feel thirst. Never be too lazy, too indifferent, or too busy to get a drink of water when you feel the least thirst; if you obey this rule, you will have little inclination to take strange and unnatural drinks. Drink only to satisfy thirst; drink whenever you feel thirst; and stop drinking as soon as you feel thirst abating. That is the perfectly healthy way to supply the body with the necessary fluid material for its internal processes.

[Pg 116]


In a Nutshell.

There is a Cosmic Life which permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe, being in and through all things. This Life is not merely a vibration, or form of energy; it is a Living Substance. All things are made from it; it is All, and in all.

This Substance thinks, and it assumes the form of that which it thinks about. The thought of a form, in this substance, creates the form; the thought of a motion institutes the motion. The visible universe, with all its forms and motions, exists because it is in the thought of Original Substance.

Man is a form of Original Substance, and can think original thoughts; and within himself, man's thoughts have[Pg 117] controlling or formative power. The thought of a condition produces that condition; the thought of a motion institutes that motion. So long as man thinks of the conditions and motions of disease, so long will the conditions and motions of disease exist within him. If man will think only of perfect health, the Principle of Health within him will maintain normal conditions.

To be well, man must form a conception of perfect health, and hold thoughts harmonious with that conception as regards himself and all things. He must think only of healthy conditions and functioning; he must not permit a thought of unhealthy or abnormal conditions or functioning to find lodgment in his mind at any time.

In order to think only of healthy conditions and functioning, man must perform the voluntary acts of life in a perfectly healthy way. He cannot think perfect health so long as he knows that he is living in a wrong or unhealthy[Pg 118] way; or even so long as he has doubts as to whether or not he is living in a healthy way. Man cannot think thoughts of perfect health while his voluntary functions are performed in the manner of one who is sick. The voluntary functions of life are eating, drinking, breathing, and sleeping. When man thinks only of healthy conditions and functioning, and performs these externals in a perfectly healthy manner, he must have perfect health.

In eating, man must learn to be guided by his hunger. He must distinguish between hunger and appetite, and between hunger and the cravings of habit; he must NEVER eat unless he feels an EARNED HUNGER. He must learn that genuine hunger is never present after natural sleep, and that the demand for an early morning meal is purely a matter of habit and appetite; and he must not begin his day by eating in violation of natural law. He must wait until he has an Earned Hunger,[Pg 119] which, in most cases, will make his first meal come at about the noon hour. No matter what his condition, vocation, or circumstances, he must make it his rule not to eat until he has an EARNED HUNGER; and he may remember that it is far better to fast for several hours after he has become hungry than to eat before he begins to feel hunger. It will not hurt you to go hungry for a few hours, even though you are working hard; but it will hurt you to fill your stomach when you are not hungry, whether you are working or not. If you never eat until you have an Earned Hunger, you may be certain that in so far as the time of eating is concerned, you are proceeding in a perfectly healthy way. This is a self-evident proposition.

As to what he shall eat, man must be guided by that Intelligence which has arranged that the people of any given portion of the earth's surface must live on the staple products of the zone which[Pg 120] they inhabit. Have faith in God, and ignore "food science" of every kind. Do not pay the slightest attention to the controversies as to the relative merits of cooked and raw foods; of vegetables and meats; or as to your need for carbohydrates and proteins. Eat only when you have an earned hunger, and then take the common foods of the masses of the people in the zone in which you live, and have perfect confidence that the results will be good. They will be. Do not seek for luxuries, or for things imported or fixed up to tempt the taste; stick to the plain solids; and when these do not "taste good," fast until they do. Do not seek for "light" foods; for easily digestible, or "healthy" foods; eat what the farmers and workingmen eat. Then you will be functioning in a perfectly healthy manner, so far as what to eat is concerned. I repeat, if you have no hunger or taste for the plain foods, do not eat at all; wait until hunger comes. Go without eating until the plainest food[Pg 121] tastes good to you; and then begin your meal with what you like best.

In deciding how to eat, man must be guided by reason. We can see that the abnormal states of hurry and worry produced by wrong thinking about business and similar things have led us to form the habit of eating too fast, and chewing too little. Reason tells us that food should be chewed, and that the more thoroughly it is chewed the better it is prepared for the chemistry of digestion. Furthermore, we can see that the man who eats slowly and chews his food to a liquid, keeping his mind on the process and giving it his undivided attention, will enjoy more of the pleasure of taste than he who bolts his food with his mind on something else. To eat in a perfectly healthy manner, man must concentrate his attention on the act, with cheerful enjoyment and confidence; he must taste his food, and he must reduce each mouthful to a liquid before swallowing it. The foregoing[Pg 122] instructions, if followed, make the function of eating completely perfect; nothing can be added as to what, when, and how.

In the matter of how much to eat, man must be guided by the same inward intelligence, or Principle of Health, which tells him when food is wanted. He must stop eating in the moment that he feels hunger abating; he must not eat beyond this point to gratify taste. If he ceases to eat in the instant that the inward demand for food ceases, he will never overeat; and the function of supplying the body with food will be performed in a perfectly healthy manner.

The matter of eating naturally is a very simple one; there is nothing in all the foregoing that cannot be easily practiced by any one. This method, put in practice, will infallibly result in perfect digestion and assimilation; and all anxiety and careful thought concerning the matter can at once be dropped from[Pg 123] the mind. Whenever you have an earned hunger, eat with thankfulness what is set before you, chewing each mouthful to a liquid, and stopping when you feel the edge taken from your hunger.

The importance of the mental attitude is sufficient to justify an additional word. While you are eating, as at all other times, think only of healthy conditions and normal functioning. Enjoy what you eat; if you carry on a conversation at the table, talk of the goodness of the food, and of the pleasure it is giving you. Never mention that you dislike this or that; speak only of those things which you like. Never discuss the wholesomeness or unwholesomeness of foods; never mention or think of unwholesomeness at all. If there is anything on the table for which you do not care, pass it by in silence, or with a word of commendation; never criticise or object to anything. Eat your food with gladness and with singleness of[Pg 124] heart, praising God and giving thanks. Let your watchword be perseverance; whenever you fall into the old way of hasty eating, or of wrong thought and speech, bring yourself up short and begin again.

It is of the most vital importance to you that you should be a self-controlling and self-directing person; and you can never hope to become so unless you can master yourself in so simple and fundamental a matter as the manner and method of your eating. If you cannot control yourself in this, you cannot control yourself in anything that will be worth while. On the other hand, if you carry out the foregoing instructions, you may rest in the assurance that in so far as right thinking and right eating are concerned you are living in a perfectly scientific way; and you may also be assured that if you practice what is prescribed in the following chapters you will quickly build your body into a condition of perfect health.

[Pg 125]



The function of breathing is a vital one, and it immediately concerns the continuance of life. We can live many hours without sleeping, and many days without eating or drinking, but only a few minutes without breathing. The act of breathing is involuntary, but the manner of it, and the provision of the proper conditions for its healthy performance, falls within the scope of volition. Man will continue to breathe involuntarily, but he can voluntarily determine what he shall breathe, and how deeply and thoroughly he shall breathe; and he can, of his own volition, keep the physical mechanism in condition for the perfect performance of the function.

It is essential, if you wish to breathe[Pg 126] in a perfectly healthy way, that the physical machinery used in the act should be kept in good condition. You must keep your spine moderately straight, and the muscles of your chest must be flexible and free in action. You cannot breathe in the right way if your shoulders are greatly stooped forward and your chest hollow and rigid. Sitting or standing at work in a slightly stooping position tends to produce hollow chest; so does lifting heavy weights—or light weights.

The tendency of work, of almost all kinds, is to pull the shoulders forward, curve the spine, and flatten the chest; and if the chest is greatly flattened, full and deep breathing becomes impossible, and perfect health is out of the question.

Various gymnastic exercises have been devised to counteract the effect of stooping while at work; such as hanging by the hands from a swing or trapeze bar, or sitting on a chair with the[Pg 127] feet under some heavy article of furniture and bending backward until the head touches the floor, and so on. All these are good enough in their way, but very few people will follow them long enough and regularly enough to accomplish any real gain in physique. The taking of "health exercises" of any kind is burdensome and unnecessary; there is a more natural, simpler, and much better way.

This better way is to keep yourself straight, and to breathe deeply. Let your mental conception of yourself be that you are a perfectly straight person, and whenever the matter comes to your mind, be sure that you instantly expand your chest, throw back your shoulders, and "straighten up." Whenever you do this, slowly draw in your breath until you fill your lungs to their utmost capacity; "crowd in" all the air you possibly can; and while holding it for an instant in the lungs, throw your shoulders still further back, and[Pg 128] stretch your chest; at the same time try to pull your spine forward between the shoulders. Then let the air go easily.

This is the one great exercise for keeping the chest full, flexible, and in good condition. Straighten up; fill your lungs FULL; stretch your chest and straighten your spine, and exhale easily. And this exercise you must repeat, in season and out of season, at all times and in all places, until you form a habit of doing it; you can easily do so. Whenever you step out of doors into the fresh, pure air, BREATHE. When you are at work, and think of yourself and your position, BREATHE. When you are in company, and are reminded of the matter, BREATHE. When you are awake in the night, BREATHE. No matter where you are or what you are doing, whenever the idea comes to your mind, straighten up and BREATHE. If you walk to and from your work, take the exercise all the way; it will soon[Pg 129] become a delight to you; you will keep it up, not for the sake of health, but as a matter of pleasure.

Do not consider this a "health exercise"; never take health exercises, or do gymnastics to make you well. To do so is to recognize sickness as a present fact or as a possibility, which is precisely what you must not do. The people who are always taking exercises for their health are always thinking about being sick. It ought to be a matter of pride with you to keep your spine straight and strong; as much so as it is to keep your face clean. Keep your spine straight, and your chest full and flexible for the same reason that you keep your hands clean and your nails manicured; because it is slovenly to do otherwise. Do it without a thought of sickness, present or possible. You must either be crooked and unsightly, or you must be straight; and if you are straight your breathing will take care of itself. You will find the matter of health exer[Pg 130]cises referred to again in a future chapter.

It is essential, however, that you should breathe AIR. It appears to be the intention of nature that the lungs should receive air containing its regular percentage of oxygen, and not greatly contaminated by other gases, or by filth of any kind. Do not allow yourself to think that you are compelled to live or work where the air is not fit to breathe. If your house cannot be properly ventilated, move; and if you are employed where the air is bad, get another job; you can, by practicing the methods given in the preceding volume of this series—"THE SCIENCE OF GETTING RICH." If no one would consent to work in bad air, employers would speedily see to it that all work rooms were properly ventilated. The worst air is that from which the oxygen has been exhausted by breathing; as that of churches and theaters where crowds of people congregate, and the outlet and[Pg 131] supply of air are poor. Next to this is air containing other gases than oxygen and hydrogen—sewer gas, and the effluvium from decaying things. Air that is heavily charged with dust or particles of organic matter may be endured better than any of these. Small particles of organic matter other than food are generally thrown off from the lungs; but gases go into the blood.

I speak advisedly when I say "other than food." Air is largely a food. It is the most thoroughly alive thing we take into the body. Every breath carries in millions of microbes, many of which are assimilated. The odors from earth, grass, tree, flower, plant, and from cooking foods are foods in themselves; they are minute particles of the substances from which they come, and are often so attenuated that they pass directly from the lungs into the blood, and are assimilated without digestion. And the atmosphere is permeated with the One Original Substance, which is[Pg 132] life itself. Consciously recognize this whenever you think of your breathing, and think that you are breathing in life; you really are, and conscious recognition helps the process. See to it that you do not breathe air containing poisonous gases, and that you do not rebreathe the air which has been used by yourself or others.

That is all there is to the matter of breathing correctly. Keep your spine straight and your chest flexible, and breathe pure air, recognizing with thankfulness the fact that you breathe in the Eternal Life. That is not difficult; and beyond these things give little thought to your breathing except to thank God that you have learned how to do it perfectly.

[Pg 133]



Vital power is renewed in sleep. Every living thing sleeps; men, animals, reptiles, fish, and insects sleep, and even plants have regular periods of slumber. And this is because it is in sleep that we come into such contact with the Principle of Life in nature that our own lives may be renewed. It is in sleep that the brain of man is recharged with vital energy, and the Principle of Health within him is given new strength. It is of the first importance, then, that we should sleep in a natural, normal, and perfectly healthy manner.

Studying sleep, we note that the breathing is much deeper, and more forcible and rhythmic than in the waking state. Much more air is inspired[Pg 134] when asleep than when awake, and this tells us that the Principle of Health requires large quantities of some element in the atmosphere for the process of renewal. If you would surround sleep with natural conditions, then, the first step is to see that you have an unlimited supply of fresh and pure air to breathe. Physicians have found that sleeping in the pure air of out-of-doors is very efficacious in the treatment of pulmonary troubles; and, taken in connection with the Way of Living and Thinking prescribed in this book, you will find that it is just as efficacious in curing every other sort of trouble. Do not take any half-way measures in this matter of securing pure air while you sleep. Ventilate your bedroom thoroughly; so thoroughly that it will be practically the same as sleeping out of doors. Have a door or window open wide; have one open on each side of the room, if possible. If you cannot have a good draught of air across the room, pull the[Pg 135] head of your bed close to the open window, so that the air from without may come fully into your face. No matter how cold or unpleasant the weather, have a window open, and open wide; and try to get a circulation of pure air through the room. Pile on the bedclothes, if necessary, to keep you warm; but have an unlimited supply of fresh air from out of doors. This is the first great requisite for healthy sleep.

The brain and nerve centers cannot be thoroughly vitalized if you sleep in "dead" or stagnant air; you must have the living atmosphere, vital with nature's Principle of Life. I repeat, do not make any compromise in this matter; ventilate your sleeping room completely, and see that there is a circulation of outdoor air through it while you sleep. You are not sleeping in a perfectly healthy way if you shut the doors and windows of your sleeping room, whether in winter or summer. Have fresh air. If you are where there is[Pg 136] no fresh air, move. If your bedroom cannot be ventilated, get into another house.

Next in importance is the mental attitude in which you go to sleep. It is well to sleep intelligently, purposefully, knowing what you do it for. Lie down thinking that sleep is an infallible vitalizer, and go to sleep with a confident faith that your strength is to be renewed; that you will awake full of vitality and health. Put purpose into your sleep as you do into your eating; give the matter your attention for a few minutes, as you go to rest. Do not seek your couch with a discouraged or depressed feeling; go there joyously, to be made whole. Do not forget the exercise of gratitude in going to sleep; before you close your eyes, give thanks to God for having shown you the way to perfect health, and go to sleep with this grateful thought uppermost in your mind. A bedtime prayer of thanksgiving is a mighty good thing; it puts[Pg 137] the Principle of Health within you into communication with its source, from which it is to receive new power while you are in the silence of unconsciousness.

You may see that the requirements for perfectly healthy sleep are not difficult. First, to see that you breathe pure air from out of doors while you sleep; and, second, to put the Within into touch with the Living Substance by a few minutes of grateful meditation as you go to bed. Observe these requirements, go to sleep in a thankful and confident frame of mind, and all will be well. If you have insomnia, do not let it worry you. While you lie awake, form your conception of health; meditate with thankfulness on the abundant life which is yours, breathe, and feel perfectly confident that you will sleep in due time; and you will. Insomnia, like every other ailment, must give way before the Principle of Health aroused to full constructive activity by the[Pg 138] course of thought and action herein described.

The reader will now comprehend that it is not at all burdensome or disagreeable to perform the voluntary functions of life in a perfectly healthy way. The perfectly healthy way is the easiest, simplest, most natural, and most pleasant way. The cultivation of health is not a work of art, difficulty, or strenuous labor. You have only to lay aside artificial observances of every kind, and eat, drink, breathe, and sleep in the most natural and delightful way; and if you do this, thinking health and only health, you will certainly be well.

[Pg 139]



In forming a conception of health, it is necessary to think of the manner in which you would live and work if you were perfectly well and very strong; to imagine yourself doing things in the way of a perfectly well and very strong person, until you have a fairly good conception of what you would be if you were well. Then take a mental and physical attitude in harmony with this conception; and do not depart from this attitude. You must unify yourself in thought with the thing you desire; and whatever state or condition you unify with yourself in thought will soon become unified with you in body. The scientific way is to sever relations with everything you do not want, and to enter into rela[Pg 140]tions with everything you do want. Form a conception of perfect health, and relate yourself to this conception in word, act, and attitude.

Guard your speech; make every word harmonize with the conception of perfect health. Never complain; never say things like these: "I did not sleep well last night;" "I have a pain in my side;" "I do not feel at all well to-day," and so on. Say "I am looking forward to a good night's sleep to-night;" "I can see that I progress rapidly," and things of similar meaning. In so far as everything which is connected with disease is concerned, your way is to forget it; and in so far as everything which is connected with health is concerned, your way is to unify yourself with it in thought and speech.

This is the whole thing in a nutshell: make yourself one with Health in thought, word, and action; and do not connect yourself with sickness either by thought, word, or action.[Pg 141]

Do not read "Doctor Books" or medical literature, or the literature of those whose theories conflict with those herein set forth; to do so will certainly undermine your faith in the Way of Living upon which you have entered, and cause you to again come into mental relations with disease. This book really gives you all that is required; nothing essential has been omitted, and practically all the superfluous has been eliminated. The Science of Being Well is an exact science, like arithmetic; nothing can be added to the fundamental principles, and if anything be taken from them, a failure will result. If you follow strictly the way of living prescribed in this book, you will be well; and you certainly CAN follow this way, both in thought and action.

在您的思想中,不僅要使自己,而且要盡可能使所有其他人與健康相關。當人們抱怨甚至生病和遭受痛苦時,請不要同情他們。轉動[第142頁] 如果可以的話,將他們的想法納入建設性渠道;盡其所能來緩解他們的痛苦,但請您著眼於健康的思想。不要讓別人告訴您他們的困境並向您列出他們的症狀;將對話轉到其他主題,或原諒自己並繼續前進。最好不要將自己的疾病強加於你,這是一個無情的人。當您與會說話的存貨交易中患有疾病和類似問題的人在一起時,請忽略他們所說的話,而為您的完美健康而向心中的感恩之心祈禱;如果那不能使您拒絕他們的想法,請說再見,然後離開他們。無論他們怎麼想或說什麼;有禮貌不需要您讓自己因患病或變態的思想而中毒。[第143頁] 走向健康。當您讓人們與您談論疾病時,您會協助他們增加疾病並使其成倍增加。


是的。不要抗拒痛苦;認識到這是一件好事。疼痛是由健康原理克服某些不自然狀況所引起的;這是您必須知道和感覺到的。當您感到疼痛時,請考慮在患處正在進行康復過程,並在心理上進行協助並與之合作。使自己與造成痛苦的力量完全處於心理和諧狀態;幫助它;幫助它。必要時,請不要猶豫,使用熱的發酵劑和類似的方法來促進正在進行的良好工作。如果疼痛很嚴重,請躺下,靜靜地從事與自己有益的力量合作的工作。這是表達感激之情的時候[第144頁] 和信仰;對造成痛苦的健康力量表示感謝,並確保一旦做好工作,痛苦就會停止。自信地將自己的思想固定在健康原則上,這正使您內心的這種狀況很快將不再需要痛苦。您會驚奇地發現自己能輕鬆克服疼痛。在您以這種科學方式生活了一段時間之後,痛苦和痛苦將是您所不知道的。


不; 最好不要。當您開始以這種方式生活時,您可能不會有正常的力量。然後您將逐漸從低體質狀態過渡到較高體質狀態。如果您在心理上將自己與健康和力量相關聯,並在完全健康的狀態下執行生活的自發性功能[第145頁] 方式,您的力量將每天增加;但是有一段時間,您可能有幾天精力不足以完成您想做的工作。在這種時候休息,並感恩。認識到您的力量正在迅速增長這一事實,並對來自它的活著的人深表謝意。花一個小時的時間在感恩和休息中虛弱,完全相信自己有強大的力量;然後起身再繼續。當您休息時,不要想到您現在的弱點;想起即將到來的力量



沒做什麼。閱讀賀拉斯·弗萊徹(Horace Fletcher)[第146頁] 關於“ ABZ或我們自己的營養”,並得到他的充分解釋:當您按照這項科學計劃生活時,您每天都不需要,而且確實不需要排便;從三天一次到兩週一次的手術足以保證完美的健康。進食總進食量是其係統中可利用的三至十倍的食物,可消除大量廢物;但是,如果您按照我們描述的方式生活,那就與您相反。

如果您僅在有飢餓感的時候進食,並且將每一口都咀嚼到液體中,並且如果您在停止飲食的那一刻就開始意識到飢餓的減輕,那麼您將為消化和吸收食物做好充分的準備,幾乎所有這些都會被吸收劑吸收;腸中幾乎沒有東西要排出。如果你有能力[第147頁] 為了完全從您的記憶中清除您在“醫生手冊”和專利藥品廣告中有關便秘所閱讀的所有內容,您完全不需要進一步考慮。健康原則將予以照顧。

但是,如果您對便秘的想法充滿恐懼,那麼剛開始時偶爾用溫水沖洗結腸可能是個好習慣。除了使您從恐懼中解放思想的過程變得更容易外,沒有其他必要。為此可能值得。一旦您看到自己取得了良好的進步,減少了食物的數量,並真正以科學的方式進食,便會永遠消除便秘。您與它無關。將您對這一原則的信任置於您內心,它有能力給您帶來完美的健康;通過您衷心的感激與[第148頁] 生命原則,就是一切力量,繼續您的喜樂。




很少,如果有的話。健康原理並不經常要求二十歲,[第149頁] 三十或四十天準備採取行動;在正常情況下,飢餓的時間會短得多。在大多數長禁食中,飢餓不早來的原因是它已經被患者自己抑制了。如果不是真的,他希望通過FEAR來開始齋戒,希望那將是飢餓來臨前的許多天。他已經閱讀了有關該主題的文獻,這使他準備好接受漫長的齋戒,而他決心下定決心,要花盡可能多的時間。在強大而積極的建議的影響下,潛意識使飢餓感得以緩解。

無論出於何種原因,大自然都會消除您的飢餓感,讓您愉快地進行日常工作,並且在她將其歸還之前不要進食。無論是兩天,三天,十天還是更長的時間;您可能會完全確定,到了該吃飯的時候,您會感到飢餓;如果您對自己充滿信心並保持對健康的信念,那麼您將遭受痛苦[第150頁] 不會因禁慾而導致虛弱或不適。當您不餓時,不吃東西比起吃東西會更強壯,更快樂,更舒適。不管快多久。而且,如果您按照本書所述的科學方式生活,您將永遠不必齋戒;您幾乎不會錯過任何一餐,而且您將比以往任何時候都更享受用餐。吃飯前先餓死;每當飢餓感爆發時,就吃。




健康是完全自然的功能,正常的生活。宇宙中有生命的原理。它是生命的物質,萬物都來自其中。這種生物物質滲透,滲透並充滿了宇宙的各個空間。它處於無形的狀態,並且以各種形式存在。但是所有形式都是由它構成的。舉例說明:假設極細且高度可擴散的水蒸氣應滲透並穿透冰塊。冰是由活水形成的,是活水的形式。而蒸氣也是未成形的活水,滲透自其本身的形式。下圖將說明生物物質如何[頁152] 滲透到一切由它製成的形式;所有的生命都來自它;這就是生活的全部。

This Universal Substance is a thinking substance, and takes the form of its thought. The thought of a form, held by it, creates the form; and the thought of a motion causes the motion. It cannot help thinking, and so is forever creating; and it must move on toward fuller and more complete expression of itself. This means toward more complete life and more perfect functioning; and that means toward perfect health.

The power of the living substance must always be exerted toward perfect health; it is a force in all things making for perfect functioning.

All things are permeated by a power which makes for health.

Man can relate himself to this power, and ally himself with it; he can also separate himself from it in his thoughts.

Man is a form of this Living Substance, [Pg 153]and has within him a Principle of Health. This Principle of Health, when in full constructive activity, causes all the involuntary functions of man's body to be perfectly performed.

Man is a thinking substance, permeating a visible body, and the processes of his body are controlled by his thought.

When man thinks only thoughts of perfect health, the internal processes of his body will be those of perfect health. Man's first step toward perfect health must be to form a conception of himself as perfectly healthy, and as doing all things in the way and manner of a perfectly healthy person. Having formed this conception, he must relate himself to it in all his thoughts, and sever all thought relations with disease and weakness.

If he does this, and thinks his thoughts of health with positive FAITH, man will cause the Principle of Health within him to become constructively active, and to heal all his diseases. He can receive[Pg 154] additional power from the universal Principle of Life by faith, and he can acquire faith by looking to this Principle of Life with reverent gratitude for the health it gives him. If man will consciously accept the health which is being continually given to him by the Living Substance, and if he will be duly grateful therefor, he will develop faith.

Man cannot think only thoughts of perfect health unless he performs the voluntary functions of life in a perfectly healthy manner. These voluntary functions are eating, drinking, breathing, and sleeping. If man thinks only thoughts of health, has faith in health, and eats, drinks, breathes, and sleeps in a perfectly healthy way, he must have perfect health.

Health is the result of thinking and acting in a Certain Way; and if a sick man begins to think and act in this Way, the Principle of Health within him will come into constructive activity and heal all his diseases. This Princi[Pg 155]ple of Heath is the same in all, and is related to the Life Principle of the universe; it is able to heal every disease, and will come into activity whenever man thinks and acts in accordance with the Science of Being Well. Therefore, every man can attain to perfect health.


Is further elucidated in The Nautilus Magazine, published monthly for the express purpose of Making The Man And Woman Who Can Do What They Will To Do. It abounds in practical ideas and in the bright inspiration that impels you to use the ideas. Use it as first aid!

The Nautilus teaches and inspires Health, Wealth, and Happiness in all departments of life.

Wallace D. Wattles who wrote this book teaches Constructive Science in every number of the magazine. How to think so as to promote yourself in Health and Success is what you want to know. He teaches it!

Elizabeth Towne and William E. Towne teach it, too. They are the editors and owners of The Nautilus, and their success is worth knowing about and learning from.

There are many splendid contributors to The Nautilus—Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Edwin Markham, Thomas Drier, Adelaide Keen, Grace MacGowan Cooke, and Florence Morse Kingsley among them. Get in touch with Health and Success, and with Happy and Successful people through The Nautilus.

There is a Family Counsel Department where Elizabeth Towne answers personal problems for those who ask. In the Success Department everybody is invited to say his say, and prizes are given for best letters.

Don't miss Wallace D. Wattles' great new serial story "As a Grain of Mustard Seed" which begins in an early number of the magazine.

Send $1.00 for a year's subscription to The Nautilus, with a copy of "Making The Man Who Can" and "Marital Unrest: a New Remedy," both by Wallace D. Wattles. Or, send 10 cents for a 3 months' trial, and a copy of "Marital Unrest."

您是否需要更多有關健康與成功的書?閱讀華萊士·沃特爾斯(Wallace D. Wattles)的《致富科學》和布魯斯·麥克萊蘭(Bruce McClelland)的《通過思想力量實現繁榮》,艾拉·惠勒·威爾科克斯(Ella Wheeler Wilcox)在《紐約日報》上發表了近一頁的篇幅;並閱讀了William E. Towne的“內部的健康與財富”和Elizabeth Towne的“自我發展的實用方法”。這些書的價格為每本$ 1.00,全4本價格為$ 3.50。而且,您不想閱讀Wallace D. Wattles的《新的生活與康復科學》,定價50美分嗎?




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